Chapter 67: A Short Realization

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Upon awakening,  Koko looked through blurry eyes as the trees slowly moved past her. And while she didn't know where she was at first, it only took Koko a few seconds of looking around to find out that Christina was carrying her piggyback-style back to the academy. And while Koko was still sleepy enough that she could have gone back to sleep, she figured that she'd been a burden on her friend for long enough.

"Thanks for the help Christina, but I can walk from here." Koko patted her friend's shoulder so that she could be let down.

"Are you sure? You've only been asleep for a few hours." Christina asked.

"Yeah, seeing as the giant ent was already in the academy's direction anyway, I think I've recovered enough to walk the rest of the way." Koko smiled while attempting to not look exhausted. "I have to be getting heavy by now anyway, right?"

"Not at all actually." Christina returned her smile. "You're small, so it's okay."

"Small?" Koko asked as she was let down. And when when her friend stood up again, Koko found her eye twitching as she realized that Christina was at least a foot higher than her. And if that wasn't bad enough, Christina was the apparently the second shortest person in the group as Koko only now saw that the hero was a few inches smaller than Richard. Though at least the others didn't count seeing as they were adults.

"I... I really am small, huh?" Koko replied before she started laughing for a reason she couldn't explain as she followed them down the forest path.

"Wait, did you not even realize before?" Christina asked in shock.

"Well it's probably never crossed her mind." Richard nodded in understanding. "After all, with Koko's monster strength, a girl would normally be a macho-woman or something similar."

"M- macho-woman?!" Koko asked in shock as she imagined herself as a huge muscle-bound hulk in which her combat-robes barely covered the important parts and all of her limbs and stomach were exposed to reveal heavily toned muscles.

"She's fast and slightly crazy too, so I wouldn't be surprised if she looked like a wild-woman either." Christina added with amusement, and now Koko's thoughts changed to herself as a terribly skinny girl with long limbs, rags for clothing, unkempt hair and shining red eyes while smiling evilly.

"Stop it!" Koko cried as she attempted to get the images out of her head. "I'm okay with being small, I really am!"

"Don't worry about it, being small is one of your charms!" Richard assured her. "You make for a fine loli-maid."

"Loli-maid?" Christina asked him curiously.

"Loli?" Koko asked as well, though she wasn't angry about Richard calling her such a thing as she suddenly realized why she was so short. 'So that's how you want to play it...'

'Finally figured it out?' A highly amused voice spoke inside of Koko's mind. And even though it had been many years since they had spoken to each other, Koko recognized the goddess's voice immediately. 'How does it feel being a loli yourself now? This is a proper punishment for insulting me when we first met!'

'You! Why would you do this to me?! I thought we were friends!' Koko cried out in her mind as she spoke to the goddess for the first time since her reincarnation.

'You called me a loli when I was just trying to help you!' The goddess yelled back.

'But you are a loli!' Koko replied, thinking that her assessment was correct.

'So are you!' The goddess snapped back. 'And how are we friends? We've only met once and all you've done is complain about me ever since!'

'I have?' Koko asked curiously, honestly not sure if she had or not. Sure, she'd complained when she was having difficulty with managing Magic Domination, but she hadn't blamed the goddess recently, right? 'I'm... sorry if I have. I'm actually really thankful.'

'And just why is that?' The goddess seemed to lose her attitude as Koko changed the topic.

'You gave me the family I've always dreamed of and friends that I can really count on. To be honest, you've done nothing but help me.' Koko smiled inwardly as she thought about it. 'But now that I can talk to you, I want to make requests!'

'I'm not pulling out any miracles just to make your life better!' The goddess started yelling again.

'Stingy...' Koko accused, and she smiled as she could somehow hear the goddess becoming more and more flustered in her mind.

'You say that we're friends, but all you ever do is tease me whenever we talk! You're not nice!' The goddess accused.

'Because that's just who I am!' Koko replied proudly. 'You've been helping me out and we've even watched anime together. If we're not friends, then would would you call us?'

'A goddess and a needy person.' The goddess replied in monotone.

'Hey, that's not very nice either...' Koko pouted. 'But I guess you can call me whatever you want because I really am thankful for everything that you've given me.'

'W-well... I guess I could have handled things differently too, instead of turning you into a loli.' The goddess sounded regretful as she spoke. 'But I'll make sure to change that now so that you can grow a least another foot by the time you get to adulthood.'

'Thank you Goddess!' Koko cried internally as she was even more thankful to the deity.

'Don't worry about it, and if you don't mind...' The goddess sounded unsure as she spoke.

'What is it?' Koko asked as the goddess hesitated. 'Ask anything you want and I'll try to get it done. I bet Christina would help too!'

'No! Don't let anyone know that we're speaking to each other!' The goddess replied in a panic. 'I was just wondering if we might be able to talk sometimes... you know, if you wouldn't mind...'

'Of course! We can talk about anime and stuff!' Koko grinned broadly at just the thought of it.

'Alright, then I'll be sure to watch some more so that I know what you're talking about!' The goddess replied happily. "And thanks for letting me talk to you... It can get kind of lonely seeing as I'm all by myself, and while everyone else can't relax because of what I am, you're the only one that treats me like an equal.'

'Don't mention it, and I totally recommend the Ninja Clash Series! Everything except for the seventh movie that we watched together.' Koko continued.

'Alright, well I have to go help some more people reincarnate now, so I have to go.' The goddess informed her.

'Okay... Don't work too hard and try to enjoy watching anime!' Koko said her farewell as well before her mind finally fell silent.


New title gained: Friend of the Goddess

"Koko, did something good happen?" Christina asked curiously from in front of Koko. "You've been grinning like a mad-woman for some time now."

"Yeah, I'm just happy that I got a new friend!" Koko couldn't help but keep smiling as she thought about it.

"Has she lost it?" Richard asked in concern before he looked forward and started slowly shaking his head. "I guess I'll never understand the minds of women..."

"Hey, don't put me in the same group with Koko." Christina replied as if hurt. "She's strange on a completely different level."

"I can hear you guys, you know." Koko pouted, though the two didn't seem to notice her miserable state as they looked down the path. And as Koko did the same, she couldn't help but break out in another grin as the top of the academy's arena became visible over the tops of the trees. Though while she was excited about nearly being back, she was more excited about the prospect of having her bed back so that she could sleep for an entire week straight.

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