Chapter 95: Another Goal

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"Ogres?" Koko asked.

"No." Conner refused.

"Wyverns?" She asked next.


"Dire wolves?"


"Thunder birds?"

"No!" Conner yelled this time. "Good grief Koko, why would you want to fight something that's able to compete with a dragon?!"

"Because I'm bored!" Koko replied while copying his volume. "You guys said that we'd get to do so much interesting stuff as second years, but it's been a week and we've been doing nothing but going over everything we learned last year!"

"We're searching for dungeons and quests that your class is capable of doing, so just be patient and wait along with everyone else!" Conner yelled as he rolled up a peice of paper and lightly smacked her over the head with it. "Now get out of my office!"

Landing on the other side of the office's door as Conner literally threw her out, Koko puffed out her cheeks and moped for a while before she finally sighed and began to walk back down the stairs. And seeing as Richard was spending the day with Mark and Christina was busy with her church duties, she was left with nothing to do seeing as she'd already finished her morning training and there were no classes. Though that didn't mean that there wasn't anything happening with the academy as the first years were still attempting to get used to the building's layout and there were several groups of them roaming the hallways.

"Ah, good morning Koko!" A few of the first year girls stopped and one of them greeted her happily.

"Good morning!" She couldn't help but smile and reply. "Are you all finding your class easily enough?"

"Well..." One of the other girls began to say hesitantly, and Koko smiled warmly at them as it appeared that they weren't.

"Which class are you in?" Koko asked.

"Class sixteen." The girl replied.

"Follow me and I'll lead you to it." Koko offered.

"Oh, you really don't have to-"

"Thank you!" The girl that had originally spoken interrupted the one that had been about to refuse, and Koko smiled at them again before she headed towards the nearby stairs and climbed two stories before she finally arrived at their classroom, which already had more first years in it who were chatting in their own groups. However, all of their conversations stopped as soon as Koko entered the room.

"Here you are." Koko said as she turned to the girls that she'd been leading.

"Thank you so much!" The enthusiastic girl from before thanked her before shining a smile at Koko. "You know, I'm not going to believe everything that everyone's been saying about you! You're a nice person!"

"Huh? What have people been saying?" Koko asked curiously.

"Nana?!" One of the girl's friends looked worried as she looked between her friend and Koko.

"Everyone's been saying that you're a super scary demon that rips monsters in half with your bare hands and torture's new students!" Nana replied without hesitation. "But you're not like that at all!"

"Is that really what all of the first years view me as?" Koko asked, completely shocked by how she was being viewed.

"But seeing as they're all wrong, how do you fight?!" Nana questioned. "I'm a mage, so I normally have to stay back away from monsters, but how do you fight, Koko? I bet you're an amazing priestess or something, right?!"

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