Chapter 2

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"Listen, you can meet me in the weekend, Wad. I'm promise I'll spare my time for you." I still trying to negotiation with Wad when he force me to stay with him tonight.

"Ck, you such a stubborn, P'Prem!" Wad pouting his lips and sulking.

"Who's you call stubborn, stubborn!!" I hit his head slowly as he laughed at me.

"Alright P'. I'll obeying your words this time. But you can't break your promise again. I'll come to your Apartment this weekend."

"Okay okay... Now, go home! Back to your dorm. I'll go home too... Bye..."


"Uggghhhh... Wad!! Seriously! You such a-,"

"I just wanna say something to you, P'..."


"I love you..."


I'm not answering his words and just smiling at him. Wad looks like dissapointed with me because I don't answer him with the same words. But as usual, he let me go just like that.

I walk in to a parking lot. I opened my car and went inside. But, I'm not leave immediately. I still sit behind my steering wheel and lean my head against it.

I'm sighing heavily a few times.

What fucking I have done?

A guilty feeling rise up suddenly in my heart and make me can't breath. I know, definitely, I hurt him again. I hurt the guy who I know for sure loving me so much with all of his heart.

Everybody know, Wad is young man with a cold head and rude. 2 years ago, we would bickering everytime we bump at each other. Whatever he does would make me headache. But now, his attitude was changed 180 degrees. Wad always trying hard to fixing his bad attitude, even more with me. Since we officially dating, Wad changed become a gentleman. He's very romantic and warm. Everyday, he never forget to say 'I love you', or 'I miss you' to me. He always taking care of me, shout at me when I skipping my meal. Everynight, he always calling me and saying good night and sending his 'virtual kissed'.

I mean... he did a lot for me and I'm happy received all of it from him. But in other side, that also make me shameless when I surely know, I'm never returned his affection to me. Even for a little thing like saying 'I love you' or 'I miss you'. I rarely doing something for me. I always refuse when Wad asking me to stay at his dorm or he ask my permission to stay my Apartmen for a day.

I know, I'm shameless. I'm not a good boyfriend for him.

But, one thing that I never doubting from myself is, I love him too. I love him a lot.

It's just... sometimes, I don't really have confident to loving anyone.

I lift my head and seeing at Wad who still standing at his place. His face looks confuse because he saw me not leaving yet. Suddenly, my phone buzzing and there's a LINE message.

"Forget something, babe?" LINE message from Wad.

I lift my head again and look at him from inside the car. I shake my head as an answer and waving my hand at him as a sign for our farewell tonight.

Wad smiling widely with his sparkling eyes. Then, he waving his hand and sending me his 'kiss bye'.

I sigh and squeeze my steer wheel hardly.

"I'm sorry Wad... and thank you...." I mumbling.

I begin to turn on my machine's car and leave.

NO REGRET JUST LOVE (ENGLISH VERSION) Where stories live. Discover now