13. What a catch, Donnie

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Dark rooms. Warm touches. Slurred words. Petes voice. He wasn't really sure how he got here. What they were doing. Pete. Dark, so dark. So warm. Pete. Was he drunk? Was he him? Where was Mikey?  Pete. Did he want to be here? Wasn't he straight? PETE. White. White hot or just something he didn't want to see. Or perhaps something he did want to see.

Patrick sat bolt upright in bed, his dreams slipping away, just leaving confused dregs that made little sense. None of it made sense. This wasn't meant to happen. He wasn't meant to dream of Pete, at least, not in that way. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to steady his breathing, stop shaking. Stop feeling dirty.

He pulled himself from his bed and went to the shower, turning the temperature up so it hurt. Letting the hot water hit him like it was some sort of punishment, rather than just a way to get clean. To get Pete out of his head.

He arrived at the music room and sat onto the floor, sighing.
"Mauvais jour?" Gerard asked.
"Mieux avec toi dedans."
Mikey laughed slightly "Do you want me to translate that to Frankie?"
"Hey!" Frank complained. "Two people have 'Frankie' rights and you are neither of them."
"Out of curiosity, is one of them Gerard?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Because when he calls you Frankie you do whatever he wants." Jamia threw out.
"Lies." But he was grinning.
"I have a question." Patrick raised a hand.
"Can we buy Frankie rights? Or perhaps earn them?"
"Good question, Mr Stump."
"Why thank you."
"You can indeed bribe me for Frankie rights, but it has to be a very good bribe."
Jamia and Patrick grin at each other. Mikey laughs. "We shall think of something good, don't you worry."
"I am very worried."

Pete walks in a moment later, and smiles at Mikey before joining Patrick on the floor.
"Hey, do you wanna come round for pizza and nerdy movies on Friday? Like old times?"
"Will Ash and Hilly be there?"
"I genuinely don't understand why you like my siblings, 'Trick."
"They're awesome."
"Anyway... I think Hillary has a boyfriend now, so she'll probably be with him. Ash has no friends, though, so he'll be here."
"Who wouldn't want to be friends with Ash?"
"Sane people?"
"Are you calling me insane, Wentz?"
"Who do you like more then? Me or my kid brother?"
"Hmmm, ill think about it and get back to you in three to seven business days."
Pete rolled his eyes.

Patrick dreamt of Pete again, not anything dirty, just a summer day, a 'friendly' picnic. An almost real memory, but in his dream Pete was gorgeous, not that he wasn't in real life, but Patrick usually tried not to notice it. Dammit he needed a girlfriend.

Frank walked into the music room at lunch with a grin. Seeing that everyone was here, he clapped twice. Everyone looked up.
"You seem happy."
"I am."
"For any particular reason?"
"My mum has finally agreed to let my dreams come true!"
"Me sleep overnight?" Gerard asked.
Frank shot him a look "Gerard."
Someone whistled, for Frank to call him by his actual name meant he was serious.
"We are having a.... drumroll please," Patrick provided. "Halloween party!"

Ryan grinned. "Thats gonna be amazing!"
"When is it?" Mikey asked, the room turned to look at him.
"Mikes, you, uh, you wanna think about that for a second."
Mikey went red. "Sorry. Tired. Ignore me."
"Always do, bro."
Ryan interrupted the bickering. "Dress code? Also do we need to bring anything?"
"Costumes and, you don't have too, but its also my birthday."
"Thats amazing. Why haven't you done this before though?"
"I had no friends before. Next question."
There was a laugh.

Patrick arrived at the music corridor the next day to see all his friends gathered round the notice board and talking over each other. Gerard practically skipped towards him. "They're doing a play!!! Romeo and Juliet! I'm going to try for the main part."
Frank appeared beside him, as he tended to do. "Romeo?"
"Nope." Gerard twirled. "Juliet."
Frank rolled his eyes.
"Im serious, I'm great at playing girls."
"If you say so."
"Hey, Frankieeee, will you be my Romeo?"
Frank blushed slightly and mumbled. "I can't act."
Patrick smiled at him. "The true test of if you'll agree to anything if Gee calls you Frankie."
"I can't do this. I cannot act."
"You'd rather see me fall in love and kiss some other guy on stage."
"I love you, babe, so I know its just acting. Im not a dick."
Gerard sighed and disappeared.

"About that.." Patrick nudged Frank.
"I've thought of a way to get Frankie rights."
"Ill do all your French homework. Its easy for me."
"One sec."
He disappeared and found Gerard again, Patrick watched as he half-flirted half-argued with him and then returned.
"Okay fine. French work for Frankie rights."
"Awww, your boyfriend refuses even though he speaks it?"
"Yup. Bitch."
Patrick laughed.


Brendon had claimed that he could do
the plank for five minutes, and Ryan had called his bluff. Although usually Brendons showing off was bullshit, this time he was totally confident in his abilities and then proved it by planking shirtless on Ryans floor, with Ryan gracelessly lying partially to the side, partially beneath him, one arm wrapped loosely around his waist.
"See!" Brendon was grinning "I can totally do it."
"For like two minutes."
"Don't be a bitch about it, you're impressed."
"Me? A bitch? Never."
Brendon leaned down to kiss him, feeling Ryan relax.
"Impressed yet?"
"More worried about what other important things you're not doing when you're practicing planks."
"This is important!"
Ryan laughed. "Sure, babe, sure."
"Yeah, when you refuse my advances-"
"By not replying to your thirst texts?"
Ryan reached out and pushed Brendons hair behind his ear. "I love you."
"Whatever. Three minutes and twenty seconds."

When the alarm went, Brendon dropped to the floor next to Ryan and sighed.
"You did it, I can't believe it."
"I can," Brendons breathing was heavy. "Im incredible."
Brendon rolled onto his side to catch his boyfriends eyes. "When's your dad back tonight."
Ryan shrugged. "Late enough."
"Late enough for what?"
Ryan shoved him lightly "Stop acting innocent, you're too hot for that."
"You think I'm hot?"
"We've been dating for, what? Seven months? Obviously I think you're hot."
Brendon smiled softly "Not to," he raised his fingers into air quotes. "'Act innocent' but can we just do this tonight. Just spend time together. I don't need to fuck you."
"Like you're ever the one to fuck me."
Brendon went red and pushed his shoulder. "Just put a cute song on, dork."
"Dork? What year is this?"
Ryan raised his hands, palms up, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it." He went over to his speaker and plugged his phone into the aux cord. "Anberlin?"
"Sounds good,"

Ryan came back to the floor and leaned crossed-legged on the floor at the end of his bed. Brendon automatically rested his head in his lap.
"I'm sorry," Ryan brushed hair off his forehead.
"What for?"
"For always being a bitch. So much that it's basically become my branding. Im sorry I act like this. Im sorry that you were surprised when I called you hot. You deserve so, so much better than me and you've got to understand that I love you more than I love everyone else in the world put together."
"You're not a bitch, Ryan Ross. You tease me more than is strictly necessary, but I don't mind. You also always make sure people are comfortable, you are kind to people. I'm not good at this, you are, but I know that you love me, and I love you too."
"Good," Ryan smiled. "You better,"
Brendon reached his hands up to awkwardly cup his face and bring it down to kiss him.
"The problem is that I cannot get over you, Ross, you're just so pretty, the world could end and I'd still just be thinking about you."
"Red flags just look like flags when you're wearing rose tinted glasses."
"What red flags? That you're not impressed by my dumb showing off?"
"I was not impressed, but I don't really mind you being shirtless in my room so..."

They were interrupted by Brendons phone vibrating itself off Ryans bed. Brendon picked it up and held out one finger to silence his boyfriend.
"Ryans...... no mum, ...... of course,. ........ten minutes." He hung up. "Gotta go."
"Its like six?"
"Yeah, I got mass."
"Mass? Like Christian mass?"
"I thought you didn't believe in that?"
"I don't."
"Then why go?"
"My parents want me to."
"Ry, babe, we'll have a big religious conversation sometime else. But I gotta go." He blew him a kiss and walked out the door, Ryan just pouted, knowing he'd let himself out, and turned up the music.

An// im sorry this took so long I've had writers block :/
Also this is the only Frerard book without Troye Sivan??? Wild.

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