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I woke up because of loud laughers downstairs. I guess they are making fun of Jennie unnie again. I quickly got up and washed my face. When I got to the living room, there's Jennie unnie with poker face.

"Good morning Unnies! You guys woke me up. What's happening this early?" I said lively. "Well they are making fun of me. You know there's a lot of memes with my picture all over social media." Jennie unnie said while rolling her eyes on Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie. "Jennie unnie? Don't be mad. Okay? I want to see them too." I walk towards Jisoo unnie. She happily lend me her phone. When I saw the memes, I swear I tried to held my laughter. But I couldn't. Jennie unnie is really pissed off now. I sat beside her. "Come on unnie. Don't be like that. You're so cute. Blink just love you whatever you look like. Don't be mad." I said while pinching her cheeks. And smiling at her. It seems that it enlightens her mood. I went to the kitchen to have some tea.

"Lisa? Let's hangout after our photoshoot? Accompany me". It was Jennie unnie "Why unnie? But yeah sure." She seems bothered and I don't know why. Well, I just ask her later maybe. "You must get ready now unnie or we'll be late."

We are currently at our photoshoot. I had so much fun with Jennie unnie. We got scolded because we keep laughing at each other. Who wouldn't? I mean unnie really looks funny with her serious look. By the way it's Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie's turn. They seem serious and wow they look so real. I mean the way they look into each other it's really something. They're so good.

"Hey Lisa, stop staring at them" Jennie unnie said. While putting her hands on my eyes. "What's the matter unnie?" "Well I just tell you later after this." She tries to walks away but I grabbed her hand. "Can't you just stay here with me unnie? Please?" She didn't say anything but she stayed. I leaned my head on her shoulder. Then whispered "Thank you unnie. It means so much to me."


Finally the photoshoot is done. It's really tiring. And I'm so hungry. It's already 6pm. I wonder what Lisa is doing. "Unnie! Unnie!" She shouted. There she is. She walks towards me and took my things with her. "Yah! Lisa! What are you doing?" I asked her. "Obviously unnie, I'm carrying them for you. Let's get going please. I'm hungry. And I know that you're hungry too. So come on." She held my hand and start walking.  Awww such an oppa. W-what am I thinking?! Erase that. Gosh Jennie.

"Lisa? Wait. How about Jisoo and Chaeyoung?" I stop walking. "I don't know unnie. One of the staff told me that they already left. Maybe they are tired. And decided to go back to the dorm." I just nodded at her.

We arrived at my favorite place. I think Lisa can't believe her eyes. Well yeah. Who would have thought that my favorite place is like this. I waved at the staff in the counter. "I want the usual place and my usual set of food. But make that 2 orders. Thank you." She gave me the key to my favorite KTV Room. "Food will be serve in 5 minutes. Enjoy." She said.

I opened the door for Lisa. "Unnie? I never thought you love this kind of place. Cause you know, you hate noisy places and people. Right?" "Yeah I hate them but not this place." I smiled at her. "Guess we're going to be wild for a couple of hours?" She said excitedly. "Sure we'll do Lisa. But after we eat. Okay? I'm really starving." She laughed at me. We are disturbed by a knock on the door. I guess it's the food. Lisa opened the door. The food is already served. So we started to eat until we're full. "The food here is great unnie and by the way, what is it that you want to say?" I suddenly feel nervous. Should I tell her? Or not? Now she's looking directly into my eyes. What to do? Come on Jennie think of something. "Lisa, I-I think" "You think what unnie?" Now I feel more nervous. I took a deep breath. "I think I like you Lisa."

Should I continue this?

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