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I'm alone with Lisa today but we're not talking. She's in the living room, watching some Korean dramas. I want to talk to her but she seems like she doesn't care about me anymore.

"Hey Chaeng. Are you crying?" Lisa noticed me. I miss her so much.

"I hate you Lali." That's the only thing that is able to come out from my mouth.

"Stop crying. Please. What's the matter?" She stand up and held my hands.

"It's you! I hate you! I hate that I miss my best friend so much. Why did you avoided me?" I'm being really emotional right now but I don't give a fuck.

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung. Let's talk about it over dinner? Is that okay? For now stop crying." She wiped the tears on my face. She pulled me into a hug. "I miss you Rosieee." She kissed the side of my head.

"Where are we going Lisa?" We're holding hands. She's leading the way. Is it too late to realize that Lisa has such a beautiful eyes?

"Somewhere we used to go." She stopped walking. I just realized that we're at the park. The same spot where we always spend our nights talking about life and stuffs.

"Wait for me here. I'll be quick." She didn't even let me answer.

Lisa prepared food. I don't know how but when she came back she's​ carrying a basket full of food and a blanket. It's like we're on a picnic but eating dinner.
When I finished eating my food Lisa turns to me.

"Chaeyoung, I'm so sorry for avoiding you. Maybe it's about time for you to know." She hold my shoulders. She's serious.

"Don't tell me you like me Lali?" I joked but it turns out to be a wrong move.

"Yes I do. But let me correct that. The right term is I love you." She's​ smiling at me now. While me on the other hand, can't even say a word.

"Don't be uncomfortable Chaeyoung. That was before. It's the reason why I avoided you. I don't want to ruined our friendship. Our unnie's will be hurt if I told you about it before. I can't lose you guys. You guys are my family. I'm with Jennie now. She's making me happy. She's always there for me especially in times that my heart is so broken because of the fact that you and Jisoo unnie are together."

I finally gained the courage to speak. I hold Lisa's hand. "That night? Are you crying because of me?"

"Yes. I promise myself that will be the last time that I will cry because I love you." She answered me in a low voice.

Maybe She's been through a lot. I can see the pain in her eyes. I don't know what to feel. I suddenly want to hug her. So I moved closer to her, "Can I hug you Lali?"

I'm suppose to hug her but she's hugging me. I put my arms around her neck as I tightened my hug. "I'm sorry if I break your heart. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry Lali." Guess what? I'm crying on Lisa's shoulder.

We're in front of our dorm. We decided to head back because it getting late. "Goodnight my baby chipmunk. Please don't be uncomfortable about what I told you earlier." She opened the door for me.
"Goodnight Lali. Thank you for tonight." I smiled.


It feels so good to be free from worries. I'm​ glad Chaeyoung understands me. I know myself that there's a part of me that still cares about her a lot. There's still a part of me that wanted her. It's not that easy to just forget the feelings I have for her.

I walked inside my room. And there I saw a beautiful human being waiting for me. I suddenly put a big smile on my face. She's sitting like a model. She's sexy in that almost see through oversized shirt and short shorts. I sat beside her. And stare at her beauty.

"Stop checking on me babe. Can we cuddle?" She said in her aegyo voice. Such a cutie. She's reminding of Chaeyoung when she wanted me to do something for her. Wait. Did I just think about that? Erase that Lisa. ERASE.

"Sure babe. But let me take a quick shower. Okay?" She just nodded. I leaned closer to give her a kiss.

We're cuddling on my bed. Jen really smells nice. I buried my head on her neck. "Hey babe. I may not be perfect but I hope you're happy with me. You know that I love you. Right? I'll do anything for you."

"You're being cheesy and dramatic babe. You don't need to be perfect. I'm happy with you." I can feel that her hug tightens.

Jennie is already sleeping. I'm very lucky to have her. "Babe please be patient with me. I know myself that for now, I can't give you all my love. I'm working on it. I'm starting to love you." I whispered.

I kissed her forehead. "Thank you for loving me Jennie Kim."


She's cute, adorable, beautiful

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She's cute, adorable, beautiful. And I love her.

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