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Vacation time! We're at Jeju. I'm happy. We decided to be here because we can't go out of the country. We are going to have a busy schedule next week.

We've arrived at the hotel so we settled ourselves. Obviously Lisa and Chaeng are roommate. They must get their sexy time after all. So I decided to get them a room with a King-sized bed. Me and this girl that is holding my hand is my roommate too. We will not be doing anything but we're also having the same bed as theirs. I love cuddling with her.

"Chuu, I'm thirsty. I want something​ that can make me feel better." She immediately stand up.

"What do you want Jenduk? I'll go get it for you." She's about to walk but I grabbed her by wrist and I pulled her. I'm laying on our bed while she's now on top of me.

"I'm thirsty for this." I stated. I'm touching her lips. We're looking at each other for I guess a minute now. I put my arms around her neck and pulled her into a kiss. She's making me crazy for her.

Our kisses becomes wet but I love the way she's​ kissing me. It's passionate. This time, I am the one to deepened the kiss. Our lips and tongue are colliding and fighting for dominance. I think I'm okay now so I stopped.

"Thanks Chuu. I think I'm okay now." I pecked her lips one last time.

"You're being aggressive with me Jenduk." She said and sat on our bed.

"Why not Chuu? I love your kisses and I love how you kissed​ me. And I know you like it." I pouted at her.

"I know that Jenduk. You're literally so into me." She chuckled. She's so full of herself.

"Let's check the maknaes, come on!" I grabbed her hand and lead her to the maknaes room.

We entered their room. And it looks like they are already settled. Lisa's things is properly arrange. I guess, Chaeng will scold her if she didn't arrange her things. Chaeng is irritated by messy room.

"Hey! I thought, we will be witnessing you guys making out." I'm on the mood to tease them.

"We will, later." Chaeyoung said as if she's not shy or nervous about that.

"Oh that's the fighting spirit Chaeyoung!" I looked at Lisa, she's blushing. It's​ funny how she become speechless when Chaeng is being pervert like this.

"Lisa, say something. Are you going to let Chaeyoung dominate you like this?" I just love teasing them.

"Yah. Stop it unnie!" She said with annoyed face. Chaeyoung suddenly kissed Lisa on her cheeks.
"You're such a baby Lali. You're so cute."

"Stop being so sweet, you two!" Now, it's me who's annoyed.

"You can be sweet with Jisoo unnie. Right unnie?" She asked Jisoo. And Jisoo is blushing, we're guilty for not telling the maknaes about what's going on between us.

"Yeah sure." She said plainly. I can feel that she's nervous.

After a few moments, I decided to bring Chaeyoung with me. We're going to buy some ice cream. I am craving for it. Lisa and Chuu didn't come along because they didn't want to. They're both lazy.


"You like her?" I asked unnie right after Jennie and Rosieee leave.

"What do you mean? Who?" She sounded so nervous. I knew it. I'm actually suspicious of how she stare at Jennie.

"Jennie, who else could it be?"

"Chaeyoung?" She give me an evil smile.

"Don't you dare unnie. Be serious, maybe I can help you if you do." I rolled my eyes on her.

"Yes? And No?" She said and sighed.

"Why? What's the matter?" I asked, I really want to know.

"She's afraid of hurting again. And she's trying to trust me with all of her. It's just that I'm not sure if that day will come." She let out another sigh.

"So, she knew? And sorry for hurting her. You know." I looked at her.

"It's okay Lisa. It's just that, I don't know if she will learn to trust me fully."

"But do you love her unnie?" She nodded.

"Then take the risk." I said, and I think it helps her to make up her mind.

"Thank you Lisa, I will."

Jisoo unnie told me what happened between them. I told her that I really am sorry for hurting Jennie's feelings back then. And I'm willing to help her if she wants to surprise Jennie and ask her to be her girlfriend already.

To be honest, I do love my unnies. They sacrificed their happiness for us. Letting me and Chaeyoung go for us to be happy. I admire their braveness. I promise, I will help you guys to be together.

Oh, I need to ask my baby chipmunk to have a dinner with me. I miss her already.

I'm so happy! Blackpink is coming to my area! 💜 I'm definitely going! OH MY GOSH! I'm going to see my LALISA! ROSÉ! JISOO! JENNIE! 💙 An update because I'm so happy. I'm crying out of happiness here.

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