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I spend the night on hospital because Chaeyoung needs me there but I decided to go back to the dorm early today because I'm afraid that Jennie will hate me so much for not making time for her. I'll admit it. I've been busy with Chaeng. So here I am rushing myself for me to be able to greet my girlfriend a good morning.

I opened the door of our room. Surprisingly there are cans of beers all over the floor. But what surprised me more is that Jennie is sleeping with Jisoo unnie and they are hugging each other. "So close." I whispered.

Now that I think about it maybe it's my fault that Jennie ended up drinking so much. And Jisoo must be there because she comforted her. I should talk to Jen later, I want to hear it from her.

It's already 9am. I guess Jisoo unnie and Jennie is still sleeping. I'm so bored. So I decided to check on them again.

"You must tell her Jenduk. Just confront her already." I heard Jisoo unnie talking. I wonder what they are talking about.

"Do you think she'll admit it?" Jennie said in a low voice but enough for me to hear. Why does Jennie sounded like she's crying?

"I love Lisa so much Unnie. I don't want to lose her. But I don't want to be selfish. I want her to be happy." Jennie's voice is cracking. What did I do? My girlfriend is hurting because of me. I'm so stupid. Damn it Lisa!

I decided to just head back to the living room, still thinking about the conversation I just heard. I think I'm going to lose my mind thinking exactly what's the reason why Jennie is crying.

A few moments later, I heard footsteps that are getting nearer. I turned to check who is it. And it was Jennie. I immediately stand and walk towards her. I didn't say anything. I just hugged​ her, really tight. I don't want to let her go of my arms.

"Lisa, let's talk. Please." She pushed me slightly, making me let go of her. "Okay then let's talk." I grabbed her hand and lead her to our room.

"Do you love me?" She asked. "Of course, I do love you." I held her hands.

"Do you love Chaeng?" She lift her head to look straight into my eyes. "I-I" I can't say anything because I don't really know myself.

"Answer me Lisa! DO YOU STILL FUCKING LOVE HER?!" She shouted at me and remove my hands on her hands.

"I love you Jennie." I say as I tried to hug her. Thankfully she didn't push me away. "You love her more Lisa. I can't even compete with her. I take the risk to be with you even though I know that you love her since we start dating because I thought that I can make you fall in love with me. I thought I could make you happier. I thought, I'll be good enough. But no, I'm so wrong about that."

She's​ crying so much and I feel so guilty. What the fuck did I do? She doesn't deserve this pain. "I'm sorry for hurting you." I'm so stupid. I started to cry.

"But believe me Jennie, I do love you." I tightened the hug.

"You do love me, but you do love her more Lisa. Can't you even realize it?" She let go of me. She hold my face and looking at me while trying her best to smile.

"I'm letting you go Lisa. I want you to be happy. And I know you'll be happier with her." She kissed me and it's a passionate one. It's just a short kiss but it's her love for me.

"We can't be together like this. It's both unfair to us. I can't be with you knowing you're more in love with someone else Lisa. Let's stop. Okay? Let's break up." The room is filled with sobs with me and Jennie crying into each other's arms.


Lisa and Jennie are in their room. I hope they're having a good talk. I took a quick shower because I'll go to the hospital. I also need to talk with Chaeyoung.

I'm walking towards Chaeyoung's room. I stopped​ for a moment, thinking of what will I say. I took a deep breath.

I opened the door and saw Chaeyoung playing some sort of game on her phone.

"Hey, are you bored?" I said. She looked at me then smiled. "Yeah. It's too boring here. I want to go home." She looks away and she's​ sad.

"Chuu, do you still want to break up with me?" She asked still not looking at me.

I sat beside her and hold her face. "I don't want to break up with you Chaeyoung. I'm so in love with you." I paused for a moment. I think I am starting to be emotional.

"But I need to. I've hurt you. I know you love her. You just so blind to see it for yourself." A tear escaped from my eyes. I'm so broken right now. I just want Chaeyoung to be with me. But I can't keep her.

"Who's her?" She asked while looking so confused.

"You're in love with your best friend." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

Hi. Happy Sunday Everyone! 💜 I'm officially missing my Lalisa 😭

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