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We got married after few months. But it's a secret. Only our families and management knows about it. I respect Rosie's decision because she want us to reach our dreams and goals as blackpink. Well, I promise myself that after all of that, I will marry her again. I want to give her a proper wedding ceremony. You don't really know how happy I am. I love her so much.

"We're already married my Roseanne. So how about sexy time?" We're in the sofa watching disney movies. I lean closer and kiss her lips then I give her neck a wet kiss.

"Baby, stop teasing. We're watching a movie here." I guess it's a failure again. But it's okay. I just want to tease her.

"But I'm not teasing you. I'm serious here. I miss it baby. We did it only once. Can't we do it again?" I looked at her with a pout.

"Well I want it too but we're going to have a comeback baby. After promotions okay? I'll take you somewhere, I promise." Never thought she had something for me.

"Really? That's a promise. Okay?" I smiled and kiss her forehead.

"Of course. Anything for you" She winked at me and bit her lips.

"What?! Don't do that please. I can't handle your cuteness and sexiness at the same time babe."

"Sorry. Hehe" She said then kissed me for about 5 seconds. "I love you" She added.

"I love you too."

It's been two weeks and I'm so excited. Promotions are done. We have 3 day break then we'll be back performing again. Rosie said that we'll go to Australia this time. Dream come true for me. I really want to see her hometown. Well I should plan something for her there.

"Babe? Are you ready?" She shouted.

"Yup. I'm coming."

When we arrived at the airport, we expected many fans waiting for us. We actually told them that we will be going to Australia through vlive. We invited our unnies too but they said that they want to give us privacy because you know, we got married. Well I know they want privacy too.

"Sleep for now babe. I'll wake you up later when the food arrived."

My Rosie is really beautiful. I'm trying my best to control myself from kissing her. How can a person be this beautiful while sleeping? Wow. I just love her so much. I want her to rest a little bit but I think she's hungry so I wake her up.

"Rosie, wake up. The food is here." Still sleeping.

"You must be hungry. Come on." She still don't want to move.

"Are you going to eat or I'll kiss you here right now? Choose?" I whispered to her ears. She immediately opened her eyes.

"Cute" I thought.

"Yah. They might hear you. And don't do that, remember we're idols baby."

"Says the one who just called me baby." I smirked at her.

"What's the purpose of that face?" She asked.

"Nothing much. But you can ride it, you know. This face can make you feel so good." I winked at her.

I received a soft yet a little painful punch from her.

"Roseanne Park, what's that for?" I want to tease her.

"You shouldn't tell things like that baby. I'm embarassed. But yeah, that's not a bad idea at all" She then touch my thigh and it's fucking going up.

Bad idea Manoban. She's turning me on but I need to get a hold of myself.
I can't move. She's not yet done on this because she leans closer to me and whispered.

"I told you that you shouldn't tease me baby. Look what you got. Don't feel needy yet, we still got to wait for a couple of hours." Finally, she stopped.

We arrived at her parent's place. I'm happy for her. I know she misses this place so much. After some cathing up we decided to rest.

"Baby? I'll take you somewhere tomorrow. We will be leaving early. You need to sleep." I said and pecked her lips.

"I should be the one to do that because it's my hometown." She looks cute while looking confuse.

"I already planned it, so let's just rest." I smiled at her.

"Don't you want to have sexy time baby?" She pouts. She's so adorable.

"Of course, I want that baby. But let's save that for tomorrow. Okay? I promise I'll give you the hottest honeymoon sex of all time." I pecked her lips again. And I heard her chuckled.

"Okay. Don't forget your promise baby. I've been waiting for you to be aggresive but you respect me so much. It makes me love you more." She said then buried her head on my chest.

"Of course I do respect you. I don't want to make the same mistake of hurting you. I don't want to wake up every morning without you again."

I hugged her so that she will feel that I really mean all of the words I said.

"Lisa. Can you take off your shirt. Please?"

"No, I told you we can save it for tomorrow"

"Nah, I just want to feel your bare skin. I'm not a pervert like you." She took off her shirt and mine then hugged me tight.

"This is a lot better baby. I feel so warm." She then kiss my bare skin then fell asleep.

"You deserve the world my Roseanne Park. I'll make you happy."

Last chapter ahead. I'll publish it tomorrow. Thank you for reading my first story in advance. My second story will be for PH blinks (Taglish fanfic). Let's stay with blackpink in the future too.

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