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I just can't believe what I saw. Thank goodness we managed to go out of the restaurant. I ask Jennie if it's okay if we go back to the dorm. And thankfully she said yes. When we reached our dorm. I sat on the sofa, still thinking about what I saw in the restaurant. I don't know what to feel.

"Hey Lisa." Jennie unnie called me and she open her arms for me without saying anything. I moved towards her. I found myself hugging her so tight. I'm really thankful because she's always there for me. "Jen? Is it okay if we don't talk about what we saw earlier?" I asked her. "It's alright Lisa. I think you should sleep. We still have practice tomorrow."

It's been a week since that night. And it's been 3 days since I only hangout and talk with Jen. Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung are bit busy. Today, they go out  early while Jennie on the other hand went to the gym. I'm so bored so I decided to practice dancing. I just can't think of anything that will makes me more relieved. I went on our dance studio. I danced to different kinds of music mostly hip-hop.

I didn't noticed the time. It's been already two hours. I lay down on the floor. I suddenly feel so hungry. I'm also tired. I closed my eyes. Then someone wiped the sweat from my face. "Stop working so hard. Look at yourself, you're about to faint." I opened my eyes and saw that it was Rosieee. I'm surprised to see her. I mean she's so busy. She doesn't even talk to me. "I'm fine Rosieee. I'm just tired." I'm about to leave but she hold me hand. "Hey. Are you going to leave me when I bought you food?" So she bought some food for me. Rosieee is Rosieee. She will always makes me feel special by her simple gestures.

"I missed you Lali. I know I've been busy and I barely talk to you. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you." I know the reason why she's busy. I just can't tell her that I already know because I'm waiting for her to tell me. I'm her partner in crime. We're always together. Why can't she tell me? "Oh and by the way. I'll be introducing you the one I'm dating soon. I'm just waiting for the right timing." Is she really going to tell me? I guess I need to be happy for her.

"Still hungry Lali?" She asked. "No. I'm full thanks to you." I missed her so much. Now that she's here I must tell her about Jennie unnie. "Yah, Rosieee? Jennie Unnie confessed to me. She said she likes me." I told her straight because I don't know where should I start. I already expected what her reaction will be. And I'm right. Look at her. She's speechless.

"T-tell me you're just kidding Lali." She looked straight into my eyes. What is the meaning of the look on her face? I can't explain it. "I'm serious Rosieee. It's been almost 2 weeks when she told me. You've been so busy that's why I never got the chance to tell you." She hugged me and it's so tight. What's wrong with her? I hugged her back. "What's wrong Rosieee?" She let go of me. "I think we need to go back to the dorm Lali." She said and stand up. Now I'm confused. What's happening?

Anyeong! Anyeong.
My updates are way too serious. Sorry it's a bit short.

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