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It's already Monday. And we're going to practice dancing. I'm not so good at it. But I'm trying my best. I really want to did a good job for blinks. Lisa always guides me every time I am having a hard time. I'm lucky to have her because she's the best dancer you know. The way she moves, it's amazing. Oh yes. I need to wake those sleepy heads now. We're going to be late. Manager Oppa will be here in an hour.

"Hey Jennie. Wake up sleepy head" I hold her shoulder and shake her a bit. She slowly opened her eyes. "Hi Unnie. Good morning." She said. "I'll go to the maknaes room. I'll wake them up." She added. She did her morning rituals. A few minutes later she left our room. She seems happy, cause she's smiling since she woke up. Weird. I go to the kitchen to prepare something for the girls.


Someone's opening the door. I just woke up. Oh it's Jennie unnie. She's smiling. She didn't even notice that I'm already awake. She head towards Lisa's bed. To my surprise, she kissed Lisa's cheeks and forehead. What is that about? I want to stop her you know. But I keep my mouth shut. "Lisa-ah. Lisa-ah. Wake up." She's​ caressing Lisa's face. Duh. I hate it. Finally Lisa opened her eyes. "Good morning." Jennie unnie said while smiling at her. "Good morning Jenjen." Lisa smiled back. So what's happening? What's with "Jenjen"? I can't take it anymore. I decided to get their attention. "Good morning Unnie! Good morning Lisa." I said in quite loud voice making sure that I will get their attention. "Good morning Chaeyoung." Jennie unnie stand up and heads towards the door. "Oh you two need to get ready. We can't be late." She said before going out.

"Rosieee, are you still mad?" Lisa moved beside me. "No I'm not. It's okay. I understand. But please. Next time make sure to reply. I'm just worried." I said it while holding her hand. "Yup. I'll keep that in mind. I love you Rosieee." She hugged me. I love her warmth. "Lisa we're going to be late. Let's get ready." I said. She let go of me. And do her things.

We finished eating breakfast that Jisoo unnie prepared. We immediately cleaned the table and washed the dishes cause manager Oppa is already waiting for us outside.

After a few minutes, we arrived at our dance studio. Manager Oppa told us to change into some comfortable clothes for dancing. And I guess it will be a tiring day for us. Our choreographers started to show us the steps. There are a lot of sexy parts. And I think it will be hard for us to learn. After an hour of teaching they let us rest for a couple of minutes. "Oppa can I try it?" Lisa asked one of our choreographers. He nodded.

Lisa started to dance and wow the way she move her hips? It's making me stare at her. "How can you be so hot while dancing Lali? Your abs and legs can cause accident. Don't get me wrong. She's already hot. But it's way more when dancing. I am lost in my thoughts when someone back hugged me. "Don't stare on Lisa so much. She might melt." It was Jisoo unnie. "I'm not starting. Jennie unnie is." She look into Jennie unnie's direction. "Looks like Jennie is loving the view." She chuckled. Why do I hate it? I don't like it when she's staring at Lali. Nah, whatever.

"Lisa can you teach me?" It was Jennie unnie heading towards Lisa. "Sure. I'll be happy to teach you." They have been so touchy the whole practice. Does teaching dance requires touch? I just want to go back to the dorm. I'm not in the mood.

"Girls! That's enough for today!" Manager Unnie shouted. "Chaeyoung let's go?" Jisoo unnie go first and she's carrying my bag. She's not a fan of waiting honestly. That's why I followed her immediately.

Lame? Sorry.

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