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It's been half a year since that night with Lisa. We didn't get the chance to you know do it often because we're busy. I actually miss her so much.

Our schedule didn't fitted each other's. But I'm happy because we will be having our long vacation. Tonight, Jennie unnie will ask Jisoo unnie to be her girlfriend.

She's being so sweet. I mean, they are already a couple but she will ask Jennie to be her girlfriend again. She just wants to make Jisoo feel special. She said that she's very thankful to all the things Jisoo unnie did for her. They are so cute.

I'm preparing the flowers and the food menu for them. I want to help them in this.

"Hey gorgeous." Someone hugged me from my back. I didn't have to turn to know who is it. It's my girlfriend. I miss her so much.

"You love me?" I asked, still not turning around.

"I do baby, so much. And I know you love me too. Right?" She kissed my cheek.

I turned around to see her beautiful face. "Of course." I answered her and hold her face.

"I miss you so much Rosieee. Sorry if we've been very busy." She's hugging me tight. So I put my arms around her neck.

"I miss you more Lalisa." I pecked her lips.

"Will you stay with me forever?" She sounded like she wants me to marry her.

"Are you asking me to marry you?" I asked her.

"Will you say yes?"

"I don't know Lisa." She seems so disappointed of my answer. It's written all over her face.

Jennie unnie successfully surprised Jisoo unnie. Chuu cried so hard. She doesn't even want to let go of Jennie unnie earlier. I hope my surprise for Lisa will be successful too. Yes, I've prepared something for her. I can't let Jenchu beat us.

Right after the Jenchu moments. We will proceed to my surprise. I'm so nervous here. We will do it in the same place but in the different spot. I saw Jennie unnie with Lisa.


"What's the purpose of your face bitch?" Jennie unnie asked me.

"Nothing unnie, not in the mood?" I said without any emotion at all.

"It's Chaeng? Am I right? You're only like that when you guys are fighting."

I nodded. "It's just that, she doesn't even know if she's going to marry me if I'll ask her." I can feel my voice cracking. My eyes are teary.

"Let's go out first. You need some fresh air. And Chaeng can't see you like this." She grabbed my hand and lead the way.

"Are you feeling better?" It's been 30 minutes since we go out.

"Yup. Thank you Unnie."

"Lisa, I forget my wallet inside. Can we get it first?"
"Yeah. Sure unnie."

Jennie unnie opened a door to a different room.
"I think, you're going on the wrong way unnie " I said and tried to grab her hand.

"No, it's here. Look there it is." She said and pointed on something.

I turned my gazed to where she's​ pointing to. When someone started to sing.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel
Love your imperfections every angle
Tomorrow comes and goes before you know
So I just had to let you know

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