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I opened my eyes and I feel weak. I can feel the pain all over my body. It feels like I don't eat anything because I feel so hungry. There's someone sleeping beside me. "Jisoo-ah" I managed to say in a low voice.

I tried to move my hands. Thankfully it moves. She lift her head. I can't explain the look on her face.

"Thank you for waking up." Her eyes are happy but her voice is weak. "I'll call the doctor." She said.

I'm trying to recall what happened and why am I here. I checked myself then I remembered all of it when I saw my reflection on the window. I have a bandage on my head.

The doctor arrived and confirmed that I don't have to worry because I'm already safe. And I just need to rest more so that I can leave this hospital already. The doctor left, leaving me and Jisoo alone.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked me. And I just nodded. Maybe she thinks that I hate her because she go out of the room.

After 5 minutes, Jisoo came back. She's carrying different kinds of foods. "Here, you should eat. Choose what you want. I'll be waiting outside. Just call me if you need anything." Why is she so cold towards me?

"Don't leave Chuuu. Stay here. Please." I looked at her and realized that she's not well. She looks really tired. She just nodded and sit in front of me.

After I eat, another moment of silence filled the room. "Chuu, look at me. Don't be sad please. It's making me weaker." I said while trying my best to reach her.

"I just hate myself for making you like this. I keep having thoughts that I don't deserve you. I should be the one protecting you but I am the reason you're hurting. Damn it! I hate myself." She held my hands and look into my eyes. "I want to break up with you. I'm afraid that I'll just continue hurting you."

I don't want to break up with her but I feel weak. How can she said that when I'm in this state? I just want her to be with me. I don't really know how to react. "I can't be with you Chaeyoung. I'm sorry. You'll find someone that can treat you better." She added.

She wants it. Should I stop her? "Chuu, please stay with me. I need you here." Her sobs filled the room. It's all I can hear. I'm starting to cry. "Don't leave me. Please." I managed to say and she hugged me.

"I'll give you space Chuu, think about it more. I don't hate you if that's what you're thinking." I hugged her with all the strength I have. I don't want to let her go.

Chuu left because she needed to do something. I've been alone here​ for an hour now until the door slammed open. It reveals a panting Lisa, she's so sweaty. She's smiling at me while tears on her eyes. "Rosieee. I miss you so much." She pulled me into her arms.

"Lali, can't breathe." She loosen her hug but still hugging me. I think she's not planning to let go anytime soon.

"I'm sorry Rosieee. I just really miss you. I thought that I am going to lose you." She kissed the side of my head.

"Sorry Lali. I'm fine now. You don't need to worry anymore." I said. Why does it feels so right to be with her? Why am I being so calm and happy with her arms? Maybe that's what best friends are for.


I decided to message Jisoo unnie to accompany me. I need to talk to her.


Do you have time Unnie?
I need to talk to you.

Yeah. I'll be at dorm at 7pm.
I also need to tell you something.

Okay. I'll wait for you then.

Can you buy me milk ice cream?
And let's have a drink too.

Sure Nini. See you later

It feels like time is much slower this day. I'm so bored. Lisa is sleeping, I guess. Oh, I'm wrong about that she's going somewhere. She just got out of our room.

"Babe? I need to go back to the hospital now. You take a rest. Okay?" It was Lisa. She just got home a little while and she's leaving again. "And I think I'll be spending the night there." She walk towards me and kissed me.

"Okay. I love you babe." I hugged her for a short moment and let go of her. "Love you too babe!" She shouted when she's in front of the door.

"I miss you so bad Lalisa." I whispered to myself.

It's​ so lame. I'm sorry.

Park Chaeyoung and Lalisa everyone! 💛💜I'll update again later

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Park Chaeyoung and Lalisa everyone! 💛💜
I'll update again later. I guess.

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