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We're on the way back to our room now, Lisa's holding my hand tightly​. I can't help but to smile at her sweetness and cuteness.

"I love you Rosieee." She blurted out.
"I know baby and I love you too."

We're in front of our hotel room. "I want to see you naked tonight." I said and squeezed her arms for multiple times. I wanted to tease her. Sorry Lali.

"Don't tease me please. We might end up doing it. You know I can't resist you." She said and turned to face me.

"Then let's just do it." I pulled her closer to me. As I leaned my body so our bodies are touching.

"Stop it Rosieee. We're still outside. Someone might see us." She's​ looking all over the place. My baby is blushing.

"Then let's go inside baby." I whispered to her ear and bite it. Now I want to do it for real.



Rosieee led me in. And pushed me on her bed. She climbed on top of me. As she attack my lips with that damn tasty lips of hers. She's kissing me hard, and I'm returning it with the same intensity.

I know she's dominating so I just let her explore my mouth. Our tongues collided making us both moan in pleasure. Rosieee stopped​ for a moment.

"You're fucking sexy Lali. And I want you now. Can I take this off?" She whispered on my ears while holding my shirt.

"You can take all my clothes off baby. Please take me also." I huskily said. She take off my shirt and my bra and with that her hands explore on my body.

She started on sucking my skin from my jaw down to my collarbone. "Oh my God Rosieee." I moaned in pleasure.

"I'm going to make you moan my name more baby." She said as she slammed her mouth on my right nipple, licking and sucking it. I screamed in pleasure. I'm moving my chest up so she can give me much more pleasure.

Suddenly, I can feel that her hand is moving down. In just a second, she's already touching me clit through my shorts. I know that she can feel that I'm so wet for her.

"My baby, you're this wet for me?" She asked sexily. I'm being impatient here. I just want her to you know make love with me already. I moved my hands to reach for her croptop and I managed to successfully remove it together with her bra. I'm being so turned on with her half-naked body.

"Let's do it already baby." I said as I touched her breasts.. "I'll go first. Okay? I will satisfy you, I promise." She said and pecked my lips.

Rosieee is starting to remove my shorts. She pulled it together with my panty and threw it somewhere inside the room. I'm completely naked in front of her right now. She run her hands on my stomach down to my core.

"Come on baby. Open up for me. I'm going to mark you mine" She said while massaging my core. So I spread my legs for her. Welcoming her for whatever she will do to me. I guess, I am going to be slain by her tonight.

She move herself up to face me. But her fingers are still playing with my core. "Do you really want me to do it? Are you sure?" She asked me. I just nodded. "I love you Manoban."

"I love you too Rosieee."

"Fuck Chaeng! It hurts." I screamed in pain as she inserted her two fingers inside of me. "Be patient baby, it will fade away later. Trust me." She said while moving her fingers in and out of me.

I can feel my body getting weaker because of what she's doing. The pain becomes pleasure.

"Damn it! More baby!" I yelled. Her pacing becomes faster. I started to grind myself against her fingers for more pleasure. She's making me crazy.

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