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I should be happy for Lisa. What's wrong with me? My conscience is eating me. Lisa told me everything. Why do I keep secrets from her? I feel like I'm a bad bestfriend. I can't even ask her if she's okay. If she's doing well. I'm sorry Lisa.

It's been 3 days since that day. And we're going to have a short break because we've been so busy. I miss our bonding. This past few weeks we've only talked about work. It's evening and I decided to tell them who's the one that I am dating. I can't hide it anymore. Lisa and Jennie unnie becomes really close. As for me and Lisa? I feel like something's changed. She's talking to me but it's really quite different.

"So what's this gathering all about Chaeyoung? It's something special. Right? That's why you're treating us to dinner." Jennie Unnie asked me. She seems happy. "Well it's special. I know that it can get us into trouble but I really am dating someone." I'm so nervous right now. "Yah! Park Chaeyoung. We aren't suppose to be dating." It was Jennie unnie. I'm getting scared of the situation. What if they'll hate me? "I know unnie, b-but--"

Someone hold my hand. "Stop it Chaeyoung. I should be the one telling them." She kissed me on my lips and thankfully this place is private. Well it's not the first time that we kissed but I'm nervous in front of them. "Yah! Jisoo unnie! You're suppose to tell us that you and Chaeyoung are dating but you're not suppose to kiss her. Oh my god. My virgin eyes!" It's​ Lisa and she's covering her eyes by Jennie unnie's hand. I'm quite shocked because they don't hate it. And they don't seem surprised.

We're eating right now. "We already know it Jisoo unnie. It's been a week." How did they know? "We saw you and Chaeyoung kissing in Lisa's favorite restaurant. At first we didn't want to believe it because Chaeyoung told us that she's straight." Jennie unnie said. "Now I'm embarrassed. Why do you need to see that kissing part?" Well I really am straight but it was before. I'm blushing so hard. I guess I'm a bit shy about this things. "They need to get used to it baby. Now that they already know, I won't hesitate to do it more often. I'm craving for you lips everyday." It's Jichu. She's so sweet but why am I blushing so hard? I can't even look at Lisa and Jennie Unnie.

"Unnie? You're my idol now." Lisa said while giving Jichu a thumbs up. "Jisoo unnie? Do you want Chaeyoung to be you're roommate? Would you mind?" Jennie asked. "I won't mind. It will be an opportunity for me." Jichu looked at me. "So what's with that naughty look?" I asked her. "You know it already babe." She winked at me. "So it's settled then? Lisa? Tell them already." It's​ Jennie unnie looking at Lisa. "Well I'm dating this girl beside me." Lisa stated proudly.

They look at each other. And it's the sweetest thing I've seen this day. "I've been holding back for too long Lisa. Can I kiss you now?" Jennie unnie said. Lisa didn't answer. But she hold Jennie unnie's cheeks and kissed her from her forehead, nose then lips. "You're so cute Jenjen. But don't be too naughty. Okay? I'm still young." Lisa chuckled. "You know what guys? Let's get back to the dorm and let's both get a room!" Those words from Jichu made us all blushed. She's so into this kind of conversation. Every time that I am with her? She's being so naughty and pervert.

We're​ now at the dorm. We decided to sleep in one room tonight. Me and my Jichu will be sleeping on my bed. While Lisa and Jennie unnie will be on Lisa's. We talked about many things this day. It's so good to be able to relax and rest with them. I hope that we'll be able to enjoy our short break.


Hi Guys! How's my updates? Is it boring? Let me know your thoughts. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading this.

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