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I woke up early. Lisa isn't here anymore. I become really worried so I checked the whole dorm. But she isn't here anymore. I'm worried sick. What if she's​ still not alright? I run back to Lisa's room to get my phone. I dialed her number. "Come on Lali. Please pick up."  I've been dialing her number for how many times now. She still not picking up.

Chuuu went out of our room. "Chuuu? Do you have any idea of where Lisa could be?" I just want to make sure that she's fine. "I don't know Chaeng. From what I knew she doesn't have any schedule for today." Where are you Lisa?

We're on the way to meet Sajangnim. We can't get hold of Lisa. And maybe he knows where she is. When we're in front of his office I suddenly felt something bad. I don't know what it is but it's not good.

"So what brings you here girls?" I don't want to see him but I need to. "Do you know where Lisa is? She's not in the dorm and she's not answering her phone." I asked. "Well Lisa will not be around for 1 month or more. She'll be part of Real men 300. Wait! Don't you girls know?" He's quite shocked. "She didn't inform us Sajangnim. We'll be going then. Thank you for the time."


I miss my girlfriend so much. I know that our relationship is quite complicated but I love her. I really do. She likes me but I'm not sure if she loves me. She's making my heart beats faster. She's the one that is able to make me smile while doing nothing. I'll do my best for her. I'll make sure that this opportunity to be with her will not go to waste.

I'm waiting for Lisa to FaceTime me. Well she promised it. "Hi babe! I miss you so much! I'll be kissing you hard when I get back." Oh my God. She said those words so fast right after I answered​ her call. And did she just winked at me? I smiled in her sudden actions. "It's been 3 weeks since the last time I  saw you. I miss you more Lalisa! Please come back soon so that you can kiss me." I bit my lips. "Don't do that babe, I might come back right now. You're so hot to resist."

I'm  enjoying this moment. She's being extra sweet. "Babe, I need to go now. Please always remember to avoid wearing shorts when it's​ not necessary. I hate it when other people stare at my sexy girlfriend. Okay? I love you" She kissed the screen of her phone. My Lisa is being cute. "Okay babe, I love you too. Take care. And don't be a chic-magnet."

I got out of my room. Chaeyoung is singing while playing her guitar. She really has a beautiful voice. Jisoo unnie loves it so much. That's the thing that makes her fall harder for Chaeyoung.

Oh ain't nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do
Hey baby, said it stays on my mind
And I am officially missing you

"Hey Chaeyoung. Bored?" I walked towards her. "Yeah. I guess. I won't be doing anything today." She really looks so bored. "Missing Jisoo unnie?" I asked because she's singing​ officially missing you earlier. "Yes I miss her so much." She sighed. "Control your hormones Chaeyoung. You can make out with her once she's back." She's giving me a just admit it look.

"Yah! Unnie what are you saying?" She's blushing really hard. "I know you guys did it already. You're such a screamer" I said. "No Unnie! We didn't do anything." I became confused. I'm sure I heard their moans and scream. "Really? What about that "It's feels good Chuuu. Don't stop." And that "Harder baby. Please"." I imitated how I heard it.

"Yah. You're such a pervert Unnie. It's not what you think it is." She's really embarrassed and so am I for assuming things. "Sorry about that Chaeyoung. But why don't you guys do it already?" I'm​ really curious you know. "Do we need to do it Unnie?" Our Chaeyoung is really innocent. "Yes you guys need to do it already. And enough with this sex talk. It's making me feel like I'm a sex maniac."

I ended​ up spending my whole day with Chaeyoung. I miss our bonding. It's been a while. She said that she misses Lisa and that Lisa don't even reply to her messages and calls. She asked how's Lisa and when she will be back. She must really miss her best friend so much.

Another update for you guys. I miss Lisa, she's not updating her IG. I wonder what she's doing.

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