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I woke up by the sound of people arguing. Lisa is still sleeping beside me. It must be Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie.

"Lisa, wake up." Instead of opening her eyes she grabbed me and hugged me.

"What is it babe?" She asked still with her eyes closed.

"We need to check on Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie. I heard them arguing. I think it's really bad."

"What?!" She suddenly ran out of our room without even fixing her self. I immediately followed her.

"Chuuuu! Please! Listen to me." Chaeyoung is forcing Jisoo to talk to her. Jisoo is crying so hard.

"Please let's talk about it first. I'm begging you Chuuu." Chaeyoung grabbed her arms. While Lisa is just standing there watching them.

"Let go of me!" She pushed Chaeyoung and what happened next is very shocking. Chaeyoung's head ended up hitting the corner of the table making her head bleed.

Lisa run towards Chaeyoung's​ direction and support her. Meanwhile, Jisoo is just standing there. She's holding her mouth indicating that she doesn't expect that it will happen.

"Call the ambulance! Please!" Lisa shouted at us. I immediately dialed the hospital's number.

"Fuck you Jisoo!" I heard Lisa shouted. She's staring at Jisoo like she's going to kill her.

"You can't even treat her right! I swear, if something bad happened to her? I won't forgive you."

"Rosieee, stay with me." Lisa is crying so hard. She's holding Chaeyoung's hand. We're in the ambulance now. "Please Chaeyoung. I can't lose you."


I'm still flustered about what happened. I don't want to hurt Chaeng. I love her. I'm just shocked about her confession. I can't even imagine that she will kiss another person behind my back and that person is Lisa. I know Lisa feels something for Chaeyoung, it's obvious.

Jennie and Lisa are with Chaeyoung now. I can't even moved after what happened. I'm stuck in here. I don't know what to do. I called the management about what happened.

I finally decided to go to the hospital. I asked manager Oppa to take me there. "We're here. Just call me if you need anything. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

Lisa and Jennie are waiting outside the ER. They looked so down. Lisa is still crying.

"I'm sorry." I blurted. They looked at me. Lisa is walking towards me. I'm expecting her to slap me or punch me but she didn't. Instead she hugged me, that makes me weak. I cried my heart out.

"Sorry unnie. Please stay with Chaeyoung. She needs you." Jennie joined us. "Everything will be alright." She said while caressing our backs.

The doctor said that Chaeyoung is already safe from danger but she's still unconscious. The doctor said that they're not sure of when she will wake up. I'm trying my best to be calm but to think that I am the one who makes her like this? It's killing me.

"I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me. I love you. I need you to wake up." I'm​ tearing up again. I can't explain this feeling. I kissed the back of her hand. "I'll wait for you Chaeng."

"Unnie? You need to rest. Let me take care of Chaeyoung for the meantime." Lisa suggested. It's been 2 weeks since that incident happened. I miss my girlfriend so much.

"It's okay Lisa. I want to stay with her." I insisted. Jennie got inside of the room. "I'm going to stay with her. Both of you go back to the dorm. You both have work tomorrow." She's right. We can't keep on slacking on work so Lisa and I headed back to the dorm.

It's already 10am and work will end at 12pm. I just want to go and see Chaeng. I just want her to wake up. I really wanted to apologize for what happened. I don't mind if she's going to break up with me, as long as she will wake up. It will be okay. I will understand. It's my fault for not listening to her while she's only being honest with me.

"Kim Jisoo let's start for the last concept!" The photographer said. I don't really have the energy for this so it ended a little bit late than it should be.

I'm walking towards Chaeyoung's room. I opened the door and saw Jennie wiping her face.

"Our chipmunk, please wake up now." She said while fixing Chaeyoung's hair.

"Hey Jennie, thank you for taking care of her. You can go and rest now. I'll stay with here." She suddenly hugged me out of nowhere.

"Unnie? Please take care of Chaeyoung. Lisa loves her so much." She's crying. No, she's breaking down. I hugged her, I already know the meaning of those words so I tried my best to make her stop crying.

Is there someone who's still reading this? If you're reading this then thank you. Here's an update. Have a nice day.

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