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I woke up with Chaeyoung beside me. I'm so happy because finally, I don't need to hide it anymore. I hugged her. I kissed her forehead. I really love Chaeyoung. She's so talented, she's funny, she can't cook but who cares? She's fucking sexy and gorgeous. I can stare at her all day. I'm so happy that she agreed to be my girlfriend. I thought I'll be rejected easily because she said she's straight.

"My Jichuuu, Jichuuu-ah. Good morning." She kissed me on my lips. Aww she's so cute. Such a baby. "Don't do that baby. You're so cute I can't handle it. I might end up cuddling with you all day." I pinched her chubby cheeks. "Some other time Jichuuu. Let's just enjoy the double date today."

"Jisoo Unnie! Chaeyoung! Let's eat breakfast! Or are you already eating there?!" I'm a bit surprised because it was Lisa. I guess she learned those kind of things from Jennie. "Let's go? Those two might end up thinking that we're doing something here if we don't come out soon." She just nodded and kissed me for the last time before going out.

"Good morning. So you guys cooked for us? This kimchi fried rice is the best Jennie." I said as I prepared the table so that we can eat. As expected I'm beside my Chaeyoung and Jennie is beside Lisa. They're​ so into each other. They're extra sweet. "Why don't you guys get a room already? We're suppose to be eating not flirting." Chaeyoung said. She's teasing those two. "Maybe later?" Jennie unnie looked at Lisa. Lisa suddenly become nervous. She look so tense. "Yah don't do this to me Jen. I'm so shy." I almost burst out laughing. Lisa's like a tomato. "Stop talking about that. Let's eat."

We're now at Jennie's parents vacation house. We're going to spend a night here. It's so relaxing and refreshing. I love the swimming pool. We're going to have a barbeque party later and I guess a few light drinks? There's 3 rooms in here but we decided to use only 2. You already know the reason why.

I'm at the living room right now. I can see Lisa and Jennie, they're at the garden. They are talking and it seems serious. Jennie hugged Lisa. Jennie seems like she's comforting her. What's wrong with Lisa? Suddenly Jennie let go of Lisa and wiped her tears. I decided to go there to know what's happening. "Lisa-ah? Are you okay?" She looked at me. "I just miss my family Unnie. I wish they're with me here." So that's why she's crying. "Don't worry Lisa, you'll see them soon. And we're here for you. We'll take care of you." She smiled a little bit. "Thank you Unnie."

I'm with Jennie because we're preparing for our barbeque party later. Maknaes didn't like to cook or should I say that we didn't allow them to cook because they might end up burning everything especially Lisa. They are outside because I asked them to assemble a tent for us. "Unnie? Don't hurt Chaeyoung. Please." Jennie said out of nowhere. "Yes. Of course. I won't hurt her. She's just too precious. You don't need to worry Jennie." She just smiled at me and continued her work.


I am looking for Lisa. I know she's quite sad right now. I needed to be there for her. I love her so much and I hate to see her crying. I already search every corner of this vacation house. I can't see her. "Stop crying Lali please. And tell me what's wrong." It was Chaeyoung's voice. I looked at my back. And there, I saw Lisa crying beside Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is trying to make Lisa look at her. But Lisa don't want to look. Instead of forcing Lisa to speak, Chaeyoung moved closer to Lisa. She buried Lisa's face to her neck. She hugged her. And kiss her forehead. I'm fucking jealous. But I think she need Chaeyoung to comfort her now. I just decided to go back inside the house.

Nyeong-An! 💙 How was it? Should I continue this? I'm thinking about that.

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