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"Do you think maknaes are already sleeping?" I asked Chuu. "They are probably making out heatedly on Lisa's bed." She chuckled. "How can you be so sure about that?"

"Well, Chaeng used to be my girlfriend remember? She's aggressive and sexy. Lisa can't resist her." Why does it feel like that I'm irritated with the way she describes Chaeyoung?

If  you are wondering, yes. I'm starting to love this girl beside me. How can I not love this when she makes me a better person? She's doing her best to fulfill her promise to me. Believe me, I wanted to be her girlfriend.

"Hey Jennie. Are you okay?" She asked. I've been lost on my thoughts. I looked at her without saying anything. She's pretty. Those eyes. That nose. And that lips, oh god I wanted to taste them.

"Do you want to kiss me Jenduk?" She smiled at me. It looks like she's teasing me but I nodded anyway. I'm about to stand up when I feel a pair of lips into mine

She's starting to move her lips and I can't help but to answer it. The kiss is slow and passionate. She's making me so turned on. She's a good kisser. I groaned when she bite my lower lip, I guess she's asking for permission to enter.

My tongue welcomed hers. She's deepening the kiss, and I don't want to stop either. "Jennie" She moaned. She's making me feel hot. She pushed me lightly making me lay on her bed. She's on the top of me.

Then this thought popped out of  my mind. I can't do this. What if I ended up being hurt again? "Chuu let's stop. Please." I pleaded, my tears are starting to fall.

"Sorry Jennie." She fixed herself and lay down beside me. "I'm afraid of hurting again Chuu. I'm so-sorry." I covered my face as tears continues to fall.

"Can I at least hug you? I won't hurt you Jenduk. Trust me please." I leaned closer to her. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Please Jenduk. Give us a chance at least. I'll prove myself. I'm not going to hurt you." She kissed my forehead.

"Are you asking me to be you're girlfriend?" I looked at her. "I won't ask you now, just let me prove myself. Give me a chance." She looked so sincere. I'm really is so soft for her.

"Then prove it Chuu." I pecked her lips.


I'm so in love with this girl in front of me. Those chubby cheeks, tasty lips, beautiful eyes, her perfect ass and her sexy body. I just can't get enough of her. But if you will going to ask me what's the best part of Chaeyoung? It's her soft heart that really cares for people. Next to that, I love her voice it makes me calm especially when she sings with too much emotion on it.

"Good morning pervert. I just wake up and you're already checking me out?" She laughed and reach for my lips to kiss me.

"I-i di-didn't" I stuttered. Looks like she saw me. "Okay then, I love you." She said and kissed me. "I love you too Rosieee."

After breakfast, we're going to have a rehearsal for our concert in Seoul. We've been waiting for this. And finally, it's going to happen tomorrow.

We're now on the stage, but we are still talking about the choreography of our songs. When and where should we position ourselves during performances. It's quite a tiring day. Dancing and singing at the same time. But we're happy, we're going to meet with blinks and make them happy.

Finally! Today is the day. We're really glad to perform for the blinks waiting outside of this backstage. Everything​ is settled. The count down starts. As we go out of the backstage, revealing ourselves our blinks started to be wild. They keep on shouting our names. They keep sending us love through smiles and words. It's everything for us blackpink.

We've done great this day. We are able to perform well and make blinks happy. We're having a late dinner later. We deserve a break after a successful concert. I hope we can have at least 2 days vacation in different place.

We arrived at the restaurant. It's quite amusing here. The ambiance is very relaxing. We ordered. When the food arrived we started to dig in.

"Guys? What about vacation?" I suggested. I just really want to have a break right now. I realized that the three of them are staring at me.

"W-what?" I asked in confusion. "Finally Lisa, something useful and worthy comes out of your mind." Jisoo unnie said while clapping her hands. Jennie is laughing. They are making fun of me.

"Yah. Stop messing with my girlfriend unnies" Uwuu, Rosieee just called me her girlfriend. I'm blushing. Really.

"Stop blushing baby, they will know that you're so into me." Rose said as she pinched my cheek.

"Oh my. I can't stand this two. Just get a room already." Jennie unnie just ruined our moment.

"About that unnie, I'll definitely get a room for Lisa." Rosiee said looking straight​ into my eyes. She winked at me as she bite her lower lip that I find really sexy.

"Daebak! Am I really hearing these words from you Park Chaeyoung? Lisa, you better prepare yourself for war." My unnies are really making fun of me.

How could you do this to me my Rosieee? I supposed to be your Oppa. But look at me, I'm being so gay for you and your words.

I took a deep breath. "Let's go on vacation unnies, so Rosieee can get me a room there." I managed to say those words shyly.

I'm so happy guys. Thank you for those who appreciates this work of mine. Thank you for supporting even though it's lacking.
Happy Halloween Everyone! 🎃

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