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We're here at the rooftop of our dorm. Guess what? I'm with Jennie unnie. Rosieee told me that she needed to go somewhere because she needed to do something important. I got excited for nothing. I thought I will be able to tell her about Jennie unnie. I want to ask her opinion about it.

"What is the purpose of your face? You looks like a living meme." It's Jennie unnie. She's laughing at me now. "The purpose of my face is to make you stare at me like there's no tomorrow. That's what you always do right?" I winked at her. 1 point for Lisa. "Why are you blushing Jenjen? Do you admit it?" I want to tease her more. So I faced her. "You're so cute when you're guilty." I kissed her. Don't get the wrong idea. I kissed her on her cheeks.

"Yah! Stop it. My heart's beating 10 times faster when you do that." She said while holding her cheeks. "Okay I'll stop it. In one condition?" I hold her hand. "Okay. What is it that you want?" She intertwined our hands. "Let me take you to a dinner? I know it's 7pm and it's quite late but we still have 3 hours and we didn't actually eat anything since lunch. So what do say?" I smiled at her. She hugged me. "Well I'll take that as a yes Jenjen." She run towards the door. "Give me 10 minutes Lisa!"


I don't know what to feel right now. It's just a dinner but it it means so much to me. I've been waiting for this to happen. I really like Lisa. After a year when we debuted, that is when this feeling started to bother me. At first, I thought that maybe because Lisa is so cute and so hot at the same time. She also dances very well. But as the days go by, the feeling is getting stronger. I started to admire her inner beauty. She's funny, she makes me smile and laugh. She takes care of me and the other members even though she's the youngest. She's so sweet.

We arrived at Lisa's favorite restaurant. She keeps on saying that the food here is the best and she personally know the owner. A girl head towards us. "Lisa-ah? It's been a while. I didn't see you here lately." She's beautiful and I guess she's older than us because she seems so mature. "Sorry about that Dara unnie. I've been so busy. You know work stuffs. And yeah let me introduce Jennie to you unnie.

"Hello Jennie. My name is Sandra but you can call me Dara unnie. I am a fan. And by the way you're Lisa's crush." What did she just said? I am Lisa's crush? "Yah Unnie! Stop that please?" It's Lisa. I don't want to assume but I guess it's true. I never see Lisa this shy before. She's so cute when she's shy. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you Dara unnie. And I guess I'll be visiting you here to know more." I put an evil smile to tease Lisa. "Yeah sure. I'll be happy to tell you everything. So table for two? Let's go."

"Will this do Lisa? This is the most private part of this restaurant next to your favorite spot. There's already reservation there so I can't give it to you now." Dara unnie said. "Nah, it's okay Unnie. Thank you. And we'll order my usual set of food. Jennie will love that for sure." Lisa smiled at Dara unnie. "Okay. Got it."

We just finished eating. I really enjoyed the food and the moments with Lisa. "Jen? Would you like to see my favorite spot here? I'm sure you'll love it." After a moments of walking we arrived at a certain spot at the restaurant where you can see the beautiful night sky. "Lisa? Do you like stars?" I asked her while still looking at the night sky. It's been a while and she's still not answering.

I looked at her. She's looking at something. I looked at the same direction as her. And realized that it's not something but someone she's staring at. Lisa hold my hand and started walking away. She paid our bill then we left the restaurant. I thought this night would be great.

Here's an update for you guys. I hope you like it.

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