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"Lisa? Are you done? You're taking too long. I need to pee."

She's in the bathroom for half an hour now.

"Sorry about that." I heard the door opened. I turned to her.

"Lisa!" I shouted and cover my eyes. She's just wearing panty and sports bra.

"Use the bathroom now. I'll continue changing here."

"Okay then."

As I got inside the bathroom I heard her shouted. "Stop blushing Chae. You already saw it all. No need to be shy."

Is it my fault that I can't handle her sexiness? I mean she looks like so skinny, but not for me. She's the hottest for me actually.

I can't stare at her when she's almost naked in front of me. I might end up on the top of her.

"Can you give me a chance?" Lisa asked me. We're laying beside each other, just looking on the ceiling.

"I don't know Lisa."

"I can always wait for you Rosieee." She grabbed my right hand and kiss it.

"I can't guarantee you that we'll be together again."

"I'll take the risk. I don't care how long. I don't care if you won't choose me. I'll be always waiting for you."

We looked at faced each other. She moved closer. "Can I hug you until I fall asleep?"

"That's okay Lisa. But no kissing and no touching, please." As I answer her, she quickly hugged me. Lisa's hug is always so warm.

"I understand Rosieee. And I just want you to know that I love you. I love you that it hurts so much for making you suffer from things that you really didn't do. I'm sorry for assuming things."

Lisa's being really patient with me everyday. It's been a month already. She's​ making sure that I'm fine and I'm eating. She told me that I lost weight so she keeps on giving me food everytime.

"Lisa, stop distracting me. I'll eat, I promise."

"Come on Rosieee, you need to eat now. Stop playing with your guitar, it's been an hour already."

"Fine!" I sighed.

I'm in the middle of eating my bingsu, when I noticed that she's starting at me.


"Oh sorry, it's just that you're beautiful." She said and smiled at me.

Come on Chaeyoung, relax. Don't smile, don't blush. SAVE YOURSELF.

"Where are you going?" She asked when I stand up.

"I'm just going to the bathroom."

When I got back to my living room, Lisa's sleeping on the sofa. Now that I remember, she didn't get the chance to rest. She's very busy, she's working on the promotion of her dance academy.

I tried to wake her up. But I ended up laying beside her. I faced her as I remove the strands of her hair that's blocking her pretty face. You're so cute Manoban.

"Don't just stare, hug me please. I need it." She murmured.

"So you're awake. You're such a great actress, you should film a drama soon"

"Just hug me already baby. Please."

Did she just call me baby?

I hugged her to hide my face. I'm blushing. Lisa you won't get away with this. She buried her head on my neck. And I swear, I miss this feeling. I miss her being this close to me.

But suddenly her phone starts ringing. I reached for her phone and it's DK. I handed it over to Lisa. I clicked in the loudspeaker icon.

"What's the matter DK? Is there a problem?"

"Nothing much Lis, are you busy?"

"No. Why?"

"Do you want to hang out with me?" He sounded like she's going to flirt with my Lisa. I didn't expect what I did next. I put my hands inside Lisa's shirt and I started to draw some circles there.

"Actually, I-I need to sl-sleep for now DK. I-I'm tired."

"What's that about Chaeng?" She asked me. When the phone call ended.

"He's hitting on you Lisa."

"No, he's not."

"He is."

"Are you jealous?"

"Nooooo. Yessssss. I don't know. Okay?" I said as I turned my back on her.

"Come on Rosieee. I love you. That's why I'm here remember? I'm waiting for my Chipmunk to come back."

"Look at me Chaeng." I hold her and make her face me.

"I won't ever replace you. I won't trade you for anything in this world. Always remember that." She added as she kissed my forehead.

I leaned closer to kiss Lisa's lips. But she stopped me.

"Is this okay Rosieee? I thought no kissing?"

"Can't I just fucking kiss my girlfriend already? I miss her so much." I'm being impatient here so I pecked her lips.

"Wait! What? You're my girlfriend?" She's shouting.

"You're too loud Lisa. And I'm not going to repeat that."

Lisa pulled me for a kiss. It's so passionate. I can feel that she's giving so much emotion on it. I stopped when I felt my face becomes wet.

"You're crying Lisa."

"I know. I'm just really happy." She's wiping her tears.

"Stop crying baby." I said and carressed her cheeks.

"Awww. You called me baby." She's smiling.

"Cause you're my baby."

"I've been longing for this Rosieee. Can you give me another kiss?" I swear, her aegyo will be the death of me.

"I can't say no to you. You're such a cutie." I said as I gave her another passionate kiss.

"Thank you for giving me another chance Chaeng. I'm so happy. I'll promise to make it up to you. I'll be better baby. I promise." She kissed the side of my head and hugged me tight.

Sorry for not updating. To those people who are still reading this. Thank you! You guys are the best.

Oh, We finally got our ticket for BLACKPINK'S CONCERT! I'M SO HAPPY. I'LL MEET OUR GIRLS SOON! To my friend that will accompany me to the concert, thank you so much!

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