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I woke up early because it's Friday. And Fridays are for me and Rosieee. She is still sleeping. I'm staring at her. Still curious about the guy she's dating. What if he'll end up hurting my Rosieee? What if he cheats on her? I don't want her to be hurt. She's to precious. I went to the kitchen because I want to have some tea.

"Hey. Why are you up so early?" It's Jenjen's voice. "Well I just woke up this early that's why. Want some tea?" She just nodded.  I poured tea into another cup. I gave it to her and smiled. This past few days Jenjen always talks to me. She told me many stories about herself and I think I'm slowly getting to know her more. There are times that I'm nervous around her. But most of the time, I'm enjoying my time with her.

"Should I date you unnie?" Let me think a little bit more about that. "Yah! Lisa. What are you thinking? You seem distracted. I'm asking you if you want to go out with me later?" She sat beside me. "Sorry Jenjen. But I need to go somewhere with Chaeyoung. Maybe some other time?" Her mood changed from happy to sad. "It's okay Lisa. But promise me that some other time." She leaned on my shoulder. "I promise Jenjen." Then she left.


I'm​ walking towards the kitchen when I saw Jennie leaning on Lisa's shoulder. They look so cute together. But I think Jennie really likes Lisa. Well I already know that. I am speechless when she told me. I never imagined that she will like Lisa. She's jealous because Lisa always visits me and Chaeyoung in our photoshoots or other events.


"Unnie? Where's Chaeyoung and Lisa? I thought you're with them?" She's​ sitting on the sofa. I guess she's checking her Instagram. She really like video memes and vines but not memes of her own. "They were with me at the studio. But they said they'll be going somewhere. So I ended up going home alone." I said while putting the pizzas I bought on the table. "I'll go and change my clothes. Wait for me here. Let's eat after."

After I changed my clothes I went to Jennie. She already prepared the pizza and she also prepared lemonade juice for us. I sat beside her. "Jennie let's eat." We started eating. Jennie seems to be thinking about something. She was lost in her thoughts.

"Jennie-ah? Hey. What's with you? Care to share?" I got her attention finally. "Sorry unnie. I'm​ actually thinking why Lisa never watch me on my photoshoot. She never came. Am I not worth her time? If it's not you then it's Chaeyoung who got her attention. I envy you two." She seems like jealous. She's​ sad actually. I don't really know that Lisa affects her like that.

I became silent for a moment. I think she admire Lisa, like girl crush. I want to make sure so I will ask her. But before I could speak. "Don't ask me about it unnie. I like Lisa more than what you're thinking." She said those words and I know she really mean it. Her eyes said it all.

End of flashback

Jennie head towards the living room. I think she will watch some Disney movies again. She really looks fierce every time but she has a very soft side.

Suddenly I feel someone hugged me from my back. “Hi good morning.” It’s a very familiar scent. I don’t have to turn around to know who it is. “Yah, Chaeyoung? Why are you so clingy?” I faced her. “I just missed you. That’s all.” She buried her face on my neck. It feels so good to have someone who will hug you like this.

“Please take me on a dinner date.” She said it in her aegyo way. She’s so cute and adorable. I couldn’t say no. “I would love to. And by the way I missed you too.” I said and I hugged her this time.


Hi. I don't know if someone is reading this. But I'll continue it anyway.

 But I'll continue it anyway

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This girl is my bias! 💙

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