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"I think I like you Lisa." I am shocked by her confession. I mean she's my crush since we're both trainee. "What do you mean like? Like what unnie?" I need to clarify things you know. "I like you more than friends Lisa that's why I don't want you to call me unnie. Please don't take it as a joke." She's​ actually telling me that she likes me? Gosh. I can't believe it. Well I like her too. But I just don't know what to say right now. It's so sudden. And I need more time to think I guess. "Lisa, I'm not expecting that you'll like me back. I just want you to know." She's​ smiling at me now. I'm relieved. "Unn-- What should I call you then?" I asked her. "Jennie will do. But babe or baby will be better." She winked at me. Gosh. Is she trying to tease me now? She's making me blush really. "Can I call you Jenjen? I think it's cute just like you." I pinched her cheek. She blushed. Payback time.

After that conversation. We enjoyed the karaoke. We sang many songs. And we danced too. It's such a memorable night for me. We tried our best not to open up that conversation again. I think Jenjen understands that I need more time to think. I don't want to rush things.

We're​ now at the dorm. It's already 10:30pm. I guess Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung are sleeping. I opened the door for Jenjen. "Thank you for taking me there Jenjen. I enjoyed it. Go to your room and rest. Goodnight!" I smiled at her. Then suddenly I felt something weird. She kissed my cheek "Goodnight Lisa." I didn't see that coming. See walks towards her room. So I also went to my room.


I texted Lisa many times but I didn't get any reply. It's already quarter to 11pm but I just can't sleep. Then someone opened the door. I guess it's Lisa. No, I hope it's Lisa. Then she noticed that I'm still awake. "Rosieee? Why are you staying up late?" She sat on the side of my bed. I ignored her. "Yah, why Rosieee? Is there something wrong?" She asked me again. "Nothing's wrong Lali. I just texted you so many times but I think you're so busy to read it and reply." I turned around. I don't want to see her. "Sorry my baby chipmunk." She whispered while hugging me. It feels warm. "Goodnight Rosieee." She kissed my pluffy cheeks before going to her bed.


I checked my phone. And yeah. There are some messages from Rosieee.


Lali? Where are you?

It's getting late. Go back to the dorm now.

Yah! Lalisa!

Okay fine! I'm going to sleep. I hate you.

"Rosieee, don't hate me. Please? I'm sorry I didn't check my phone." I don't know if she can hear it. But I said it anyway. It's seems like she stayed up late because of me. "Thank you Chaeyoung-ah."

Sorry for grammatical errors.

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