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Lisa asked me to have a dinner with her tonight. She's so sweet. She asked me to just wear any comfortable clothes so I'm just wearing white Adidas shoes, black pants and a crop top. Lisa on the other hand is wearing short shorts and a simple oversized shirt with Adidas shoes that is same with I'm wearing..

"So, where are we going?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine.

"Nothing fancy Rosieee, but you'll love it." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Why are we going up? I thought we will going to have dinner?" I asked her because she pushed the button for the highest floor of this hotel.

"Just wait and see baby."

After a moments of waiting, we arrived at the last floor of the hotel but there's nothing here. She started walking upstairs. As she opened the door, I am really amazed by the view. We are on the rooftop. It's full of different colors of rose, it's lighted by white and blue bulbs. It's very romantic in here plus the view of the night sky that makes my heart happy especially because I'm with my girlfriend.

"I love you Lali!" I turned to her and reached​ for her lips. I gave her a short but passionate one.

"I love you more. Do you like it Chipmunk?" She asked me while looking so happy.

"I love it baby, so much." She pulled me into a hug.

"Always remember this, I may not be the perfect girlfriend but I'll do everything that I can for you. I just want to make you happy Rosieee." She whispered.

"Me too baby. Anything for my Lalisa." Tears are escaping from my eyes. I'm so in love with my girlfriend.

"Don't cry. Come on, let's eat." She's​ holding my hand.

I'm so happy. While we are eating dinner, we managed to talked about our future plans and goals. I told her that I wanted to continue being a singer. She wants to have her own dance academy. She wants to help others to find their best in dancing.

I'm so lucky because she told me that she wanted me for her future. I'm so touched. But I really wanted to be with her in the future too. She told me about Jennie and Chuu. And it didn't surprise me at all. I ship Jenchu actually. They're cute. And they look so happy when they're together.


"So maknaes are on a date?" Chuu asked me, we're cuddling right now.

"Yeah. I don't know what time they will come back here." I buried my face on her neck. She really smells good.

"I wanted to date you too Jenduk. Did you know that?" She tightened her hug on me.
Now that I think about it. I really like Chuu, she really makes me happy and safe.

"I badly wanted to date you Jenduk. But I know I can't. And I guess I should respect that." She's about to cry, her voice is cracking.

"I can't force you to be with me. Should I stop?" She added.

"No! Please no Chuu. You're not forcing me. Let's date. Let's give it a shot." I said as I look into her beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. She's shocked.

"Oh m-my, re-really?" She keeps on stuttering. I just nodded at her.

"So you're my girlfriend now Jenduk?" Her eyes becomes so lively and her smile are so wide.

"Yup. I'm your girlfriend Chuu." Right after I said that she hold my hand and kissed it.

"Thank you Jenduk!" She kissed me, and I can feel her tears on my skin.

She's still so happy and emotional about me being her girlfriend. She keeps on saying thank you. Based on what I am seeing right now? She definitely love me. I hope this beautiful lady won't leave or hurt me.

I really am thankful to her. She makes me stronger when I'm weak. She makes me happy when I'm sad. She make my days complete. I will definitely treasure her with all of my heart. She's patient with me for the past few months. She never left my side. So tell me, how can I not love this girl? She's just way too sweet and caring for me to handle. I become really soft for her and her cuddles.

"Do you want to sleep?" I asked her. "Yes"

"Jenduk? Can I? Change my shirt first?" She said.
"Why Chuu?"

"Can't sleep with these kind of clothes." She points on her fitted shirt.

"Then just remove it. I don't mind." I reached for her t-shirt and removed it.

She's blushing so hard. "Come on Chuu, don't be shy. I'm your girlfriend."

I put blanket on us as she hugged me tight.

Now I'm regretting it, her body makes me warm. And it's giving me temptations too. I moved my hands down her toned abs. "Let me Chuu. Please. Your hotness is hard to resist."

I guess I'm turning her on. She can't help but to react on every touch I'm giving her body. "Aren't you being perverted now Jenduk?" She asked.

"No. It's just that your sexy and I want to eat you alive." I said. I turned to her to see her like a tomato. She's really shy when I'm like this.

"Come on Jenduk, don't say that. It's making my heart flutter and nervous." She said in a low voice.

"I'm just joking Chuu. But I'm going to eat you alive. Not now, but soon baby." I winked at her.

Thank you for reading.

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