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I woke up without Chaeng by my side. Maybe she's​ working? I did my morning rituals and go out to the living room. There are my unnies sitting together in the sofa and they're looking at me sharply.

"Are you going to kill me or what?" I asked and sat between them.

"I'm going to kill you if Chaeng didn't go back to this dorm Lisa." Jisoo unnie said. She's scary.

"Why? I didn't do anything unnie." I said looking so confused, as I remember I didn't do anything wrong.

"She talked to us earlier, she told us that she wanted to have her own place. I know she doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable anymore. She didn't say that but I know it's the reason behind it."

"Does the management know?" I asked. I hope they know, so she can't leave.

"They already know before she told us. Sajangnim agreed to it, because Chaeng told him that she wanted to improved her skills in playing instruments and singing. She told him that if she practice in here, she will makes us uncomfortable and we might not be able to rest."

"Now, tell me what did you do Lisa?" She asked me.

"I didn't do anything. We just talked and --" I stopped. I guess, I know the reason.

"I didn't let her explain herself to me unnie." I said while holding my forehead. I'm so idiot.

"You know what? You're losing her today. I'm sure of it. You love her, but why can't you just trust her?" Jennie said and I can feel the anger in her voice.

"Jennie is right Lisa. You should have trusted her. You're missing out the reason why"

After that conversation with my unnies, they left me alone. I think they are trying to give me some time to think. I made up my mind and call Chaeng. But she won't pick up. I left a message saying that I want to meet and talk. But she won't reply.

Days and weeks passed, but she still not talking to me. We're able to meet when there are practices and rehearsals, and performances but she keeps on avoiding me.

Like today, she's here in the dorm. She's having fun with my unnies while I'm here, thinking of how am I going to talk to her. I texted Jisoo unnie to help me, thankfully she said yes.

So we are left alone here. I can't think of anything but I just walked towards her. I took a deep breath. "Why are you not talking to me?"

"What for? You won't be listening anyway." She's​ so cold.

"Then let's talk now, I'll listen." I said and moved​ closer to her.

"We don't have anything to talk about Lisa. I need you to listen to me back then. But you didn't. Now, I don't need you to listen. Just forget about it already." She stand up, she tried to left me alone but I grabbed her by her wrist.

"Don't leave Chaeng. Stay here, I'll leave. Spend your time with unnies. I'll ask them to go back."

I left the dorm. I wandered the city. Obviously I put on stuffs that will make me unfamiliar with the fans. I found myself in the same spot where Chaeyoung and I used to hangout.

"Lisa?" Someone called me with unfamiliar voice. I turned to the direction which the voice came from. He's walking towards me. I hate his face.

"I can't believe you're here Chanyeol. Just go already," My tone is quite high pitched.

"Chill. Come on. I just wanted to see Rose again."

"Then just go see her. You don't need to bother me here." I hate talking to him, so much.

"Lisa, listen. I know you guys broke up because of me. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see her again to apologize for forcing her to do what I wanted. I'm so drunk that time. What you saw before, it's not what you think it is. And I'm sorry if I'm not there to explain Rosé's side, I needed to go back on my hometown that day because of some family matter."

"Forgive me. But nothing really happened between us. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm so into her. I really admire your girlfriend." He sighed.

Now that I think about it, I don't want to be angry anymore. I just want to forgive and forget. But why does it feel that this confession will make my world fall apart?

"Apology accepted. But thanks to you, she's now my ex-fiancee." I looked at him and I managed to smile a little.

As soon as he left the place, tears started to fall from my eyes. What did I do to Chaeng? She doesn't deserve​ any of this. I'm the one who hurted her. She tried to talk to me but I ignored her. I can't control my sobs anymore. I don't really care if someone might hear me now, I just need to cry this time.

An hour of crying then I decided to go back to the dorm. I guess Chaeng isn't there anymore.

I'm walking towards our dorm when I saw a very familiar figure. It was Chaeng, she is hugging someone who's also familiar to me. They got into a car and left. Am I really losing her? Tears are still falling from my eyes, I can't really help it. Seeing her walks away from me? It's hard. I don't know what to do anymore.

I wish I can go back to that time and just believe Chaeng's love for me.


I'm running through a big crowd trying to find Rosieee. We're having a misunderstanding and we fought because I'm having a really tough day. I accidentally said that she's so irritating and I want her to just leave me alone. She left the dorm without even telling us. I know, I'm stupid enough to said that.

"Lisa! Ro-rosé, the-there! Quick!" Irene pointed to the second floor of the bar. She's so drunk. I immediately run towards the stairs. Thank you later Irene.

There are two rooms. The first one is empty. I opened the door of the second room and what I saw was really heartbreaking. Chanyeol is taking her croptop off. What's happening?

"Chanyeol! Please." It's Chaeng.

"Come on Rose, don't be shy." He said and kissed Rose harshly on her lips.

"Fuck you!" I run towards him and made him let go of Chaeng. I don't want to make this scene harder so I tried my best to control my anger.

I put my jacket on Chaeng, making sure she's all covered. I led her out of the bar and I brought her back to the dorm.

Rosieee is sleeping, I can't seem to hug her. I can't even lay beside her. What's that scene earlier? Am I being cheated on?

Chaeng woke up and called me. Before she can say a thing, I cut her off by saying we're over. I don't know what came into my mind. I left her alone.

End of flashback

Why can't I even Listen to her back then? Please forgive me Chaeng. I love you so much.

Please stream Jennie's SOLO. It's amazing guys.
Support and support! 💜 She's so damn hot and sexy. She slayed the performance on their concert. You'll love it.

By the way, my Chaelisa heart is racing on the star road latest episode. Lisa knows Chaeng very well. She got a perfect score.

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