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Our short break is over. We're​ back to work. It's been already a week but I can't forget Lisa's kiss. It's been running on my mind all day long since it happened.

"Baby? I miss you. Please cuddle with me." My Chuuu, looks so tired. She just got back from our dance studio for extra practice. She's​ working hard.

"Awww. You look so tired Chuuuu.  Come here." I'm currently sitting on the sofa. I opened my arms to welcome her for a hug. She happily hugged me. But she's sitting on my lap now. This position is kind of awkward. I mean this is the first time, someone sit on my lap.

"I love you Chaeyoung. You're my happiness." She whispered those words to me then she looked straight into my eyes. "Would you mind if I kiss you? I just miss it so much."

I wrapped my arms around her neck and started kissing her. I just realized that she truly love me by those simple yet meaningful​ words. She started to kiss me with much more intensity. And it feels so good. She's a good kisser.

She's being agreesive right now so I stopped kissing her. "Chuuu? I love you so much." I said while looking straight into her beautiful eyes. "If you love me then continue kissing me, you're making me crazy Park Chaeyoung." She said while touching my lips that gives shiver to my body.

I'm about to kiss her lips. When I suddenly felt like my neck is getting wet. But I realized that it was Jisoo. She's kissing my neck. My cheeks suddenly turned red. "What are you doing Chuuu?" I asked nervously. "I will mark what's mine. And you're mine." She sounded so sexy. I don't know what to do. She just continue kissing my neck. "Oh my God Chuu." I groaned when she suddenly sucked my skin. I can't take it anymore. I am loving the feeling. I'm about to put my hands inside her oversized shirt when the door slammed open.

"Ohhhh. I'm so-sorry." It was Lisa with a sad looking eyes. "Continue what you're​ doing. I'll just go to my room." She said running towards her room.

"Why did she have to ruined a moment like that?" Jisoo asked and she's being shy. "Come on Chuuu, let's continue it." I grabbed her waist. She gulped in nervousness. I pecked her lips. "I'm just teasing you baby." I laughed. "Oh come on Chaeng. I thought you mean it. It's not funny. I already expected too much" She pouted. "Don't be sad Chuuu, want some chicken? I'll order it for you."

We're currently eating the chicken and pizza I ordered earlier. "Do you think Lisa is sleeping? Let's give her some. Maybe she's hungry."

I am knocking on Lisa's door. "Hey Lali. Are you awake? I will come in now." I almost freezed in where I'm standing. I currently seeing my best friend crying. She's not letting out any sound. But I can see the pain in her eyes. I walked towards her. I didn't say any words. I just hugged her tight. I put her head on my chest.

"I don't want to see you like this but I think, you need this. You can cry as long as you need to. I will stay here with you." I kiss her forehead for assurance.

After almost an hour of crying, Lisa fall asleep on my shoulder. Seeing her like this makes me sad too. I decided to lay her down on her bed for her to be able to rest. I'm about to stand up when she said "Rosieee? Stay please".

I changed my shirt because it was soaked by Lisa's tears. Chuuu is sleeping right now. And I promised Lisa that I'll be back after I changed my clothes. I kissed Chuuu and left a note that I'll be staying at Lisa's room tonight.


It's already 8pm when I woke up. I feel so hungry. I noticed that there's a note on my table. "Hi baby. How's your sleep? Chuu, sorry I can't sleep here tonight. I'll be staying at Lisa's room. She's having a hard right now and she needs me. Please rest some more. I love you." That's was touching. But it makes me feel uneasy too. I'm always jealous with Lisa.

I opened the door of Lisa's room. Jennie isn't here tonight because she's quite busy. The view makes me feel that there's a torn in my chest. My Chaeyoung is hugging Lisa and I hate the ways she looks at her. I'm about to tear up so I gently close the door. I suddenly don't want to eat even though I'm hungry. I went on our room and just sleep.

Hello guys! Sorry for not updating. I've been so busy with school works. So here's an update. I hope you like it. By the way, if you guys haven't checked kiss and make up yet. Please check it out. It's great. I'm so proud of our girls!

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