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I'm stuck here in the house that I plan to give Rosieee when we get married, thinking of how things ended between me and her. Yes, we broke up. The wedding didn't happen. It's been already two fucking months of loneliness and heartbreak. I miss her. I keep longing for her love and presence. Why Rosieee? Why?

I keep on receiving text and calls from random numbers in the past few days. I cut my communication with everyone. Except for Dara unnie. She's the only person who knows where I am. Rosieee didn't even bother looking for me. I guess, she's happy now.

Dara unnie is calling. So I immediately answer it.

"How are you Lalisa?"

"I'm getting better unnie, don't worry."

"Do you know what is it today?"

"It's a sad day, I guess?"

"Is that all you can think about?"


"You're so mean Lisa. It's my birthday. I hate you. The last time that we talked, you promised to be here on my birthday. But you didn't even remember it."

She end the phone call. Why am I so idiot? She must be really angry at me right now. What can I do?

I texted her telling that I'm coming. I don't know what to wear but knowing the visitors that might be coming there? I must be presentable at least. I'm not in the mood to dress up so I just wear anything that will make me look decent.

I'm walking inside the place where the birthday celebration will be held. The place makes me calm and warm. As I enter the main hall, I looked everywhere for Dara unnie but as I already expected, Rosieee is here. They're talking. I'm about to walk away when

"Lalisa! My baby!" Dara unnie shouted and run towards me.

I don't have any other choice but to face her. As I turned around, I also saw her, Rosieee.

"Happy birthday unnie. I'm sorry about earlier. I just, you know that already. So here." I give her my gift and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for always comforting me. I love you unnie." She just smiled at me when I let go of her.

"I love you too." That voice was from Rosieee. I'm sure about that. The way she speaks still makes my heart beats faster.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"I love Dara unnie too." She said then walks away.

Why does it feels like that I am the only one who's suffering from our break up? She seems okay. Did she really love me?

And if you're wondering, we're still blackpink. I asked Sajangnim for two months break for my well being. I built a dance academy that I really wanted to build ever since I started dancing.

I adopted a cat out of sadness of being alone and his name is Leo. He's cute and adorable, but he keeps on biting and scratching me. I'll be back to the dorm tomorrow night.

"Lalisa! You fucking asshole! Where have you been?" Jennie unnie hugs me too tight that I can't breathe.

"Un-unnie. Too tight." Thankfully she let go.

"You miss me, huh? I hope Jisoo unnie won't be mad at you for missing me so much." I said full of confidence.

"She won't, she knows I love her. And she trust me. She will never doubt my love for her." That was so sweet.

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