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"I'm home!" I shouted as I open the door of our dorm.

"Kitchen!" It was Jennie's voice. As I walk closer to the kitchen counter, I smelled​ something delicious. "What are you cooking Nini?" I asked.

"It's your favorite." I got really excited. Jennie's cooking skills is quite amazing plus it's chicken that she is cooking.

"So this is for me?" My eyes became so happy. It's been awhile since someone cooked for me. She just nodded at me.

"Well, thank you for this Nini. Here, take this. It's your favorite too." I handed her the milk ice cream. The moment she received it, she smiled sweetly.

After we eat dinner, I praised Jennie's cooking skills. "You know what? You're so good at cooking. Maybe I'll date you if I don't have Chaeng. Imagine waking up everyday with such delicious foods that are made by you." I chuckled a little bit.

"I will be a good wife to whoever I will marry! Maybe Chaeng will love me too. You know Chaeng loves to eat" She said proudly.

"So confident huh?" I laughed at her and she pouted. This is the first time that I find Jennie so cute.

"Why are we drinking Unnie?" Jennie asked me. We're at Jennie and Lisa's room. We decided to drink here, in case we got wasted. At least we're already on the bed.

"I guess we're broken. Am I right?" I glanced at her. She's so sad. I can feel her pain.

"Yeah. I guess. It's hard when your girlfriend is in love with someone else." She's​ trying her best not to cry.

"It's hard when your girlfriend is in love with my girlfriend." I blurted out. Her reaction indicates that she was surprised.

"Wait unnie, you knew?" She said while still not believing it. "Yes. I know that for certain." I moved beside Jennie so we can talk more.

"Do you want us to cry our hearts out?" I suggested. I think we both need it so I opened my arms for her, notifying her that she can hug me.

"Let's do it." She moved closer to me as I hugged her tight. I can feel my shirt getting wet by her tears. It's making me cry too. My tears started to fall and it's falling hard. I can feel that she's tightening her hug as she buried her face on my neck.

"Should I let Lisa go unnie?" She asked after minutes of crying.

"I'm planning to let go of Chaeyoung. She's in love with Lisa all this time. I can feel the difference of how she looks at me and how she looks at Lisa." I confessed. I think we're going to cry again.

"Lisa's really in love with Chaeyoung too. I really love Lisa. I want her to be with me only. But why is that thought makes me feel so wrong?" She managed to say while sobbing so hard.

"It's because you truly love her. And deep inside your heart, you wanted her to be happy to the point that you're willing to let her go."

I pulled her closer to hug her again. I'm trying to make her calm because her sobs are getting louder and louder. I just continue to rub her back.

"Hey Nini, look at me." I hold her chin and make her face me. "I'll be by your side whatever your decision will be. I will be there for you. I promise. If you're afraid then you can lean on me. Okay?" I looked straight into her eyes. I want her to feel my sincerity.

"I will let her go Unnie. I want her to be happy." That was the last words I heard from Jennie. She's fall asleep in my arms. I let her to be in that position as I feel sleepy. I lay her down beside me, making her head rest on my shoulder. I hugged her as I closed my eyes.

"Let's get through this together Nini. I'll be by your side. And that's a promise." I kissed her forehead.


I woke up with unfamiliar figure and smell beside me. Oh, it's Jisoo. We're so close. I can feel her breathing. She actually smell nice.

It's still 3am. I tried to remove my head on her shoulder, worrying that it will feel numb when she wakes up. But I can't move, her hugged is way too tight. So in the end, I just let her be. Looking at her like this, she's beautiful. I am in the middle of memorizing the features on her face when she talks.

"You must go to sleep. I'll protect you." She makes me buried my head on her neck. I actually appreciated her words and actions. Maybe she's right. I should trust her and let her be by my side. We must get through this.

An update! Please continue on supporting blackpink not just individually but also by group. Thank you!

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