33 (Last Chapter)

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You will never know unless you'll try. You will never know unless you'll pay attention. Ever since I realized that I'm in love with my bestfriend, I learned those things.

Maybe there's someone who's always there for you. Maybe there's someone who loves you but you just didn't notice them because you're busy giving attention to others.

I'm glad that Lisa and I are happy with each other. We will definitely hold on to our dreams for the upcoming years. Having a her as wife is a gift, although she's pervert.

I know this time, this love is stronger. I know this time that we won't commit mistakes that will ruin our relationship. I love how Lisa can be my wife and bestfriend at the same time.

Lisa took me to my school when I was studying here in Australia. She made me tell her everything that happened to me there back then. She's trying to learn those things that I didn't tell her.

We had a lunch after that at a simple restaurant. I was so happy because she pays attention to everything I tell her while having lunch. We lost track of time but it's worth it because it make us more aware of those characteristic that is unknown to other people except us.

"We're here baby." I was cut off by my thoughts when Lisa speak.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously. I'm not really familiar with the place.

"It's actually just a simple resthouse but with the help of some workers, I turned it into something you'll love." She then held my hand and lead the way.

When we reach the back of the resthouse, I was mesmerized by the trees with lights. I look around the place. There's a table full of chipmunk stuff toys. There's a table full of my favorite foods. There's a pool with floating letters of "LET'S STAY FOREVER CHIPMUNK", I also noticed a small stage with a guitar. I was so touched by it so I started to cry.

"Aww. My baby is crying." She hugged me and kiss the side of my head.

"I love you so much Lali" I really appreciate everything she did. It is beautiful.

"I love you too. Do you like it baby?" She looked at me while looking so happy. I can clearly see her shining eyes when she's looking at me.

"I don't just like it baby, I love it. And I love you too. Thank you for making me happy." I pecked her lips.

"You don't need to thank me baby, I'm happy with you too."

Lisa made me sit but then she went to the stage and held the guitar.

"Baby, I'm not so good at this but I worked so hard. I hope you'll appreciate it. This song is definitely something I want to tell you." She said then smiled at me.

I saw her taking a deep breath, maybe she's nervous. She start strumming. And it was not bad.

Tell me I'm wrong
Tell me girl, tell me be honest
I know I'm not perfect, but I'm working
I'm workin on it
Mistakes were meant to make 'em
Control is overrated
But we'll still try and take it. yeah

I can't tell the flower not to grow
I can't tell the wind not to blow
But I can tell ya the one thing that I know
We were meant to be

I've been losing sleep for far too long
Sinking in the deep of right and wrong
And everything you hate I'm working on
So if you stay with me, I'll promise that I'll be
Baby I'll be better better better for you
Baby I'll be better better better for you

You will be wrong
There just ain't no way to hide it
Look in the mirror and tell me your fears
Baby I'll defy them
The rules were meant to break 'em
Control is overrated
But we'll still try and take it. yeah

I can't tell the flower not to grow
I can't tell the wind not to blow
But I can tell ya the one thing that I know
We were meant to be

I've been losing sleep for far too long
Sinking in the deep of right and wrong
And everything you hate I'm working on
So if you stay with me, I'll promise that I'll be
Baby I'll be better better better for you
Baby I'll be better better better for you

"I know, we made mistakes and we can't avoid it throughout this relationship but we will try our best right? Tell me your fears baby, I'll tell mine too so we can defy them together. I'll definitely be better for you Chaeyoung. I hope this made you happy. I love you so much." She told me that and sang the chorus again.

"How was it baby? She asked as she stand up and walk towards me.

"It was beautiful baby. I-I lo-love it" Oh no, I'm crying again.

"Stop crying baby. The song isn't that emotional." She said and hugged me.

"But I love the person singing that's why I'm crying." I hugged her back.

While enjoying each other warmth, I saw her checked the time on her phone.

"Look at the night sky baby, it is beautiful." She said and looked at me. I immediately looked at it.

"Yah, are you kidding me? There's no stars how can you call this beauti-" I didn't managed to complete my sentence because I was cut off by the fireworks. I started smiling because it's beautiful.

"Thank you for everything baby. You really made an effort for all of this tonight." I said as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Let's stay forever Rosiee. I'll take care of you for the rest of my life." She pulled me closer.

"Let's do that baby" I answered and kiss her passionately.

Yey! It's done. I know many won't like the ending but thank you still for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. THANK YOU SO MUCH CO-BLINKS! Watch out for my next story. To those who voted and commented, I appreciate you all and it means a lot to me.

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