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I'm still thinking about the reason why Lisa cried earlier. I hope she'll be okay. I don't want to see her sad. I want to comfort her but I feel that she's avoiding me or she's avoiding to tell me what's her problem. "Baby? Aren't you hungry? If you're hungry can you get some barbeque?" We're here now at our small tent. Chuuu keeps on asking me to get some barbeque while she's just playing on her phone. "I'm so hungry. Give me some barbeque Chuuu. Pretty please? Get it for me. I'll give you a kiss. Come on." I said while giving her beautiful eyes. I know she can't resist it. "Chaeng you're unfair. How can you do this to me? You know I'll do anything for your kiss." She immediately go out of the tent.

"Chaeyoung! Come here!" Jennie unnie shouted. I go out and walk towards them. It was a barbeque picnic night for us. I noticed that the food is already served. I'm excited to eat. But I become more excited because I saw some drinks. I miss the taste of alcohol. I'm a good drinker, I have high tolerance on alcohol.  It's been so long since I last tasted it. Good thing, we got permission from our manager Oppa and Unnie to have some drinks on our short break. They allowed it but they said that we can have it one time only. We're just talking while having our dinner. Lisa is so quiet and she barely speak. "Let's start to drink!" Jennie unnie is excited.

We started drinking some light drinks. We all finished 3 bottles each. But Chuuu got one bottle of hard liquor. "We can't just drink. Let's play a game?" Chuuu suggested. "Let's play that 5s game like we played on running man? If you're not able to answer in 5s then you'll get a shot. You need 3 answer in each round. What do you guys say?" She continues. "I think it will be fun." Jennie unnie answered while me and Lisa just nodded.

The game started. The first one to ask me is Jennie unnie. "So Chaeyoung? Girl crushes except for Jisoo unnie."
"Momo, IU unnie, and L-lis-aaaa." I managed to say it in 5s  Jennie unnie seems surprised. What the fuck Chaeng. Why did you said Lisa's name? Jennie unnie might get mad. At least I'm safe from that hard liquor. It's my turn to ask Jennie unnie. "Things you want so badly."
"New album for us, Lisa's heart, and Lisa herself." She confidently said. I'm feeling weird about her answer. Nah, nevermind. It's Chuuu's turn to ask Lisa. "Things you hated the most.
"Heart break, losing someone I love, and tears." Lisa's answer are way too serious.

Lisa's turn to ask Chuuu. Lisa put an evil smile. "Members of other girl groups that you kissed?" I looked at Chuuu. She's looking at me. She know that she's dead if she said a single name.  Lisa and Jennie is laughing so hard at Chuuu. See can't say anything. Lisa gave her a shot. "That question is unfair Lisa! Come on." Chuuu protested. "You should have seen your face Unnie." They are still laughing so hard at her. Chuuu's face immediately become so red because of the shot. Kind of tipsy, I guess.

The game continues. Chuuu gets back at Lisa. Lisa's already drunk because of the questions Chuuu threw at her, she's in the tent. Jennie unnie and Chuuu is almost sleeping on the ground they are not so good at drinking. I decided to carry them one by one to the rooms. My arms are so close on falling out. Chuuu and Jennie unnie are in the rooms. I go back for Lisa. She's still sleeping in the tent.

I'm about to carry her, but she grabbed my hands. "Yah. Whooo areeee youuuuu?" She pulled me closer. I ended up on the top of her. Why is my heart like this? Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden? Why is my heart beating faster than usual? "Lis--" She cut me off. And the fuck. She's kissing me. I don't know what to do. But I ended up answering her kiss. We're now sharing a passionate one. I just can't let go. The way she moved her lips, I know she wants more. She almost deepened the kiss but she fall asleep. "Fuck Chaeyoung. What did you do?"

I think it's boring. What to do?

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