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Today is the day that I'll be discharge. I badly want to go home. Jennie unnie will be fetching me here at 8am and I need to wait 30 minutes more. I decided to take a walk on the rooftop just thinking about what happened in the past few days. I miss my unnies and Lisa. I hope we can catch up when I get back to the dorm.

"Chaeyoung-ah" Someone called me. I turned to see who was it. And it was Jennie unnie. "I've been looking everywhere for you. You got me a little worried. You know that?" She chuckled.

I look at my watch and it says that it's already 8:30am. "Sorry about that unnie. I'm lost on my thoughts." She stand beside me.

"Would you mind if we stay here for another 30 minutes?" She asked while looking on the sky.

"Lisa and I broke up." She blurted out and I can't believe it. They look so happy together the last time I remember. "What happened unnie? Are you okay?" I asked.

"She's still in love with you Chaeng. She's so in love with you." She's smiling but I can see the pain in her eyes.

"That's not true unnie. We're just best friends. That's all." I said nervously because I'm thinking if she hates me or something.

"You and Lisa are so stupid and coward. How can you guys survive a day not telling that you love each other?" She laughed a little.

"Well about that unnie. I do tell her everyday that I love her and she do too but it's a friendship thing." I admited.

Ever since we became friends, we're doing that just to remind each other that we got each other's back even if it's via text message or in person.

"You guys are cute. Let's just go back to the dorm. I never expect you to be this stupid Chaeyoung." She's laughing at me.

"Yah! I'm not stupid unnie!" I tried to grabbed her but she managed to run away. "Let's go! Come on you chipmunk! Oh and take care of Lisa well!" She shouted as she continue to run away from me.

We're on the way to the dorm now. I'm so happy. I keep smiling. "Unnie?" I looked at Jennie. "Yeah? Need something Chaeng?" She asked.

"Can we, buy something to eat? Please?" I pleaded. She just nodded. We stopped in a chicken store.

Manager Oppa was to one to bought it because we can't go out of the van.

"Are you going to eat all of that?" She asked while counting how many boxes of chicken manager Oppa bought.

"No. I love eating but this is for Chuu." I said. I really am thinking about her all this time. I miss my girlfriend. Oh, my ex-girlfriend. I suddenly become sad.

Jennie unnie leaned closer to me. "You love her?" She whispered. "I do".

We're now at the dorm. I supposed to be resting but I insisted to prepare some snack for them. Chuu and Lisa are still working but they'll be here in an hour.

"Tell me what you think about Lisa." Jennie said as she stand in front of me while watching me cook.

"Well she's a good friend. She takes care of me, makes sure that I am safe, makes me laugh and smile, should I say it in front of you unnie?" I asked.

I'm afraid that she'll be uncomfortable with it but she just nodded. "She's hot and sexy, especially when she's dancing." I can feel my cheeks turning red.

"Well, I can't blame you. She really is." She smiled​ shyly at me. Suddenly, a question popped up on my mind. "Unnie, have you guys, you know, like do it already?" I asked.

"Almost." She laughed. "Well, she's a good kisser. You'll know it soon." Why does it feels that she's hurt about their break up but she seems happy also.

Our conversation becomes more deep, I guess. She told me how much she love Lisa, and how much she wants her so badly. But she also told me that she can't be with her. Yes, she's hurting but she's going to heal soon. I actually like the way see acts. She's brave enough to let go of someone she love to make them happier.

While I'm here, sad and hurting. Missing Chuu every time. I just can't understand why she decided to broke up with me. She told me that I'm in love with Lisa when she's just my best friend. I really can't seem to understand.

I'll admit it. Lisa is so kind and caring. If I'm going to keep one person in my life? It will be Lisa. It's been 7 years since we've known each other and in that 7 long years? She never fails to be with me in my ups and downs. She accepted me for who I am. She became my strength and she'll always be my strength. I almost wanted to date her before but I became so afraid of breaking up and losing her in my life. I wanted to keep her for lifetime, I guess.

Then Chuu came, she's brave enough to make the first move and asked me to date her. Believe me, she's so caring and loving. She treats me the way Lisa treats me. She's so patient with me. She makes me calm when I'm being so affected by every little things. Chuuu is the one that I love not Lisa.

I'm so gay for blackpink 💙 I'M PROUD GAY FOR THEM! 💜

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