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We finished the filming for real men 300. We've been through a lot. I became thinner. We're proud that we're able to overcome it all. It's the day that I'll be going home. I can't wait to see Jen. I miss her so much.

I'm thinking about Chaeyoung. I don't mean to be rude on her for not replying every time she messages or calls me but I need to do it. I'm​ starting to love Jennie and she's worth it. I avoided Chaeyoung because I'm falling for her back then. I don't want to hurt Jisoo unnie especially Jen. I guess I'll talk to Chaeyoung soon.

I didn't tell them that I'll be going back to dorm today. I just want to surprise them. Manager Oppa told me that they are all in the dorm because Sajangnim gave them a rest day. I bought pizza, chicken, and milk ice cream it's their favorite.

I'm in front of our dorm. I didn't know but I'm excited and happy. I opened the door. "Guys! I'm home!" No one's answering. Looks like they are not here. I decided to just go to my room and rest. I carried my things. When I'm about to open the door. Someone opened​ it from the inside. "Who's in there? Jisoo unnie? Jen? Chaeng? Are you there?" When I walked inside the room, my tears began to fall.

"SURPRISE! WELCOME BACK OUR PRECIOUS MAKNAE!" I can't help it. I'm crying. They put some effort to decorate the room. I'm touched by the purple hearts that are hanging on the ceiling. "Don't be such a baby. Come here." It was Chaeyoung. They open their arms for me. "Group hug!" Jisoo unnie shouted. We shared a quite long hug because I don't want to let go of them.

"Sorry if we're​ not able to prepare some food for you babe. You look hungry and thinner." Jen pouted. "Then be my food." I grabbed her by her waist. I leaned closer to kiss her. It's just a smack. But it feels different from what I felt before. I'm about to kiss her again "Yah! You horny people! We're still here. Stop that, you can continue it later." Jisoo unnie interrupted. "Unnie! What the hell?! Can't you see I miss Lisa so much? Maybe you're jealous because you and Chaeyoung don't have this kind of sexy time." She's definitely making fun of Jisoo unnie.

"Shut up Jennie Kim!" I can't explain the look on Jisoo unnie's face. It's funny. "Stop with that topic! Let's order something. I'm hungry." Chaeyoung is blushing with embarrassment.

We're in the living room and eating. We're catching up. We talked about the things that happened while I'm gone. "So how are you there Lisa? Is it hard?" Jisoo unnie asked. "Well at first it's quite hard. But when I started to make friends there it started to be enjoyable and fun" I stated while remember my time with them there.

"So are you close with Lee Yu Bi unnie? She's super cute right Lisa?" Jisoo unnie is getting me into a hard situation. "Y-yes. She is." I can feel a pair of eyes looking at me. I gulped in nervousness. "Are you saying something Manoban? Can I hear it again?" It was Jenjen. She's walking towards me. Am I going to die? Someone save me. She leaned down to kiss me passionately.

"Wow! Don't give us a live show, you hoes!" I heard footsteps that are fading away. "Don't be too loud!" Jennie didn't mind what Jisoo unnie just said. She just continue on kissing me. She suddenly kiss my jaw down to my neck. "Jennie-ah" I moaned. "Lay down Manoban and put your hands up." She said with authority. "Wh-hyyy?" I'm​ getting hot and wet. She's turning me on. "Just do what I say. Got it?" She sit on the top of me. And the time that her center hits mine? Fuck it. It's getting me horny.

"Don't you dare touch me Manoban. That's your punishment." She removed my hands inside her shirt. "But babe, I want to touch you. Please?" I pleaded but it doesn't work. "The next time I'll be hearing you checking on other girls or guys? I promise that you'll end up naked on my bed." She's sexy. Is that a good thing? Should I check other girls now? My thoughts got cut off by too much pleasure.

Her hands are inside my shirt. Touching me everywhere. She kisses me again but this time while grinding on me. "Fuck Jen. I want to touch you." I can feel that my core is already wet. "Well sorry but you can't" She's​ still punishing me. "Jennie-ah" "Uhhhhhh" "Please babe let me touch you" She stopped on doing her work. "I'll end it here Manoban. And by the way, I love it when you moan my name." She run her hands from my neck to my core. She's teasing me. "Jennie Kim!" I shouted when she left me on the sofa.

Sorry if it's not good enough. What do you think? Should I work on Jenlisa? Or Chaelisa? Chaesoo or Jensoo? Well, thank you for reading. Have a nice day guys.

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