[BnHA] Shinso x Reader

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It's Shinso | Shinso x Reader
"I'm Y/N!" I happily whispered to the person sitting beside me. It was my first day at U.A and although I didn't get into the Hero course, I was still accepted into the General Department. The guy sitting next to me looked boredly at me and looked back to the front. "Oh how rude." I pouted.

So far, about everyone in my class seemed uninterested in school. They were probably disappointed that they didn't get into the Hero course. But I was happy because I didn't even think I'd get into the school and yet I did!
What was my quirk? It's called Memory.

Memory is a quirk that allows the user to see the memories of anyone they touch. Of course, it wasn't very useful during the practical exam but I knew a bit of martial arts so I got enough points just to make it into the General Departments. I wanted to get into the Hero Course because I wanted to improve my quirk, so far I could only see memories from the past 24 hours, I wanted to learn how to extend that time limit.

I also couldn't really control when I used my quirk... it just... happened.

Suddenly, I heard the bell ring. "Wow that was fast!" I exclaimed and skipped over to have lunch.

I bought some ramen and looked for a place to sit. I saw a green haired boy and a spare spot next to him so I approached him. "Hey! Can I please sit here?"
He looked up at me. "Yeah! Sure!"
"Thanks!" I sat down and started slurping my ramen, similar to the red and white haired boy in front of me who was slurping his soba. We eyed each other with a: yes, noodles are delicious look and continued eating.

"H-hey!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see the boy I was sitting next to arguing with a boy with spiky, blond hair.
"Listen to me when I talk to you!" The blond haired boy yelled angrily at the purple haired one who I had nicknamed: Rudy. Rudy didn't listen and continued looking away.
"You bastard!" The spiky haired boy started approaching Rudy.

I heard the boy next to me slap his face. "K-Kacchan..." I heard him mutter.

"Oi! Purple dude! LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He slapped his hands together and sparks flew out of them. Rudy noticed this and turned around to face the boy.
"Who are you meant to be..?" The boy spoke boredly.

The Bakugo boy froze in place and he had an empty look in his eyes.
"What were you saying?" Rudy asked bluntly. Bakugo just shook his head as if he was brainwashed.

Was that his quirk?

"That's right. Now go sleep in the bin." Rudy started walking off as Bakugo walked to the bin and jumped in it, falling asleep. Everyone started laughing. A couple minutes later he snapped back to reality and realised where he was.
"THAT PURPLE HAIRED BASTARD!" He screamed and tried to get out of the bin.

The next day, our class and another class were doing joint training. Apparently they were Class 1-A of the Hero course, and this class had Bakugo in it. He stared at Rudy (I still didn't know his name for some reason) with daggers in his eyes. It looked as if he was ready to kill him at any time.

Once the teacher dismissed us to do our own thing, Bakugo approached Rudy.
"Oi." He spat. "I demand a rematch."
"Is that so?"

This time, Bakugo didn't answer. I watched as he refused to speak. He must've realised that the quirk would only activate if he responded to his question.
"Huh, he's smarter than he looks..." I muttered.
"That's Kacchan for you." The green haired boy, Midoriya, answered. "He has a brain, he just doesn't like using it."
I nodded.

"Okay, boys. Uh, can we like..." I stopped talking when I saw Bakugo glare at me. "Uh... um... can we please... stop... fighting?" I gulped.
"Go away." He spat at me. I rolled my eyes but was terrified on the inside.
"Uhm... no."
"Excuse me?"
"I said no."
He glared at me then at Rudy. "Are you two friends?"
"Woah, wait what n-"
"Well, it doesn't matter." He stomped towards me, causing me to step back. "I'll deal with you then purple over here can have his turn."

I gulped. "C-can't we talk this out?" I groaned as I hit a wall.
"Nope." He raised his arm and sparks flew around it as his arm was grabbed by someone else.

"You don't hesitate, do you?" It was Rudy. "Even when your opponent is much weaker than yourself?" Bakugo still didn't answer. "Or... are you just... afraid of her?"
He couldn't hold his anger in anymore. "Tsk! THAT'S NOT THE REASON! I'M NOT AFRAID OF HER! I-"

Rudy looked at him with dark eyes. "Dig a hole and jump in it like the bitch that you are." (A/N: a bitch is a female dog so yay for child friendliness!)
I watched as Bakugo walked and began digging a hole.

"You okay?"

He began walking away but stopped. "Oh, by the way, the name's Shinso, not Rudy or whatever you call me."

I felt my cheeks burn. "Y-you knew about that?"
"You really shouldn't write in your diary while you're at school."

My embarrassment turned into anger. "YOU WATCHED ME WRITE IN MY DIARY?!"
"No. You tend to say what you're writing out loud. Everyone in the class knows."

A/N: hah




Welcome to my oneshot book.


Luna Off

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