[Pokémon] May x Drew

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The Future | May x Drew
"Grandpa! Grandpa!" A small child said, sitting down on his grandpa's lap. "Tell me a story! ... please?"
His grandpa laughed. "Of course. What story would you like to hear?"
"I wanna hear the story about those two people you knew as kids! The one who were in love, you still haven't told me the ending to their story!"
"Ah, that one. Well, sit up, this is a long one."
The boy sat up and listened eagerly.

"So this boy and this girl were in love. This girl had beautiful brown hair which reached up to her shoulders and always wore a red bandana. These two met one day during a contest and might I say, it was love at first sight, I would know. So, these two began dating in secret because they were afraid of what other people would think of their relationship, they were famous coordinators after all. One day, the two finally decided to tell everyone about their relationship. Suffice to say, it didn't end well. The public, who shipped the girl with another man and the boy with another woman, did not agree to their relationship. Thus, they had to split."
"What?! No!"
"I'm afraid so. But there wasn't a day where they didn't think of each other. One day, the girl realised that she had foolishly let the public decide who she loved and not herself, so she set off to find her true love. And, he did too. The two met three years later at the exact place where they met for the first time. Words can't explain how happy they were to see each other again. They decided that: if the public did not like their relationship, then they would stop being coordinators and just live a life with the two of them. And so they did. They grew old together, and one day they even had children of their own. But one day, the girl was diagnosed with cancer in the brain."
"Mm. It was tough, but a couple months later she seemed to get better, but just then, she left. Just like that." He clicked his fingers. "The boy couldn't believe it."
"What? That's so sad! I feel so bad for the boy!"
"Well, don't."
"Huh, why?"
"You see, the boy, who was now a man, had children of his own to love. And his children had children for him to love too! You see, even though the man didn't have his woman, he still had his children and grandchildren to make him happy."
"So, what does the man do now?"
"Well... he tells stories to everyone around him."
"Stories about what?"
"You sure have a lot of questions." The grandpa chuckled. "Let's say that he told stories about his life, as a celebrity, as a coordinator and as a husband."

"Andrew! We need to go home now!" The boy's mother called from the kitchen. "It's a long drive home!"
"Coming Mummy!" The boy looked up at his grandpa with his large brown eyes; just like his grandmother. "Bye bye, Grandpa Drew!"
"Bye, bye Andrew." Drew chuckled, patting Andrew's peculiar green hair, just as his had once been. "Stay safe!"
"You too Grandpa! Also, I left a present for grandma!"
Drew smiled and watched the little boy run into the car and wave at him, he waved back. Once he saw they were gone, he got up from his rocking chair and looked at the present his grandchild had left for his grandmother.

It was a red bandanna.
"Well, isn't that ironic, huh, June?" He said, looking at the painting of his wife, and although he knew she wasn't there, he could swear he heard her say "It is, my grasshead."
A/N: *shrug*

It's unedited and short

But I wanted to write some contest


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