I attempt to be shakespeare because i can

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I read Romeo and Juliet just for this


Oh and by the way, I'm doing this in more of a story-style rather than a play because I ain't doing a play XD

First, we shalt lay out our scene,
In the small town of Littleroot,
Ruled by a Queen.
At midnight the wolves shalt howl,
The owls shalt hoot,
And the frogs may croak,
shalt the lady arrive,
The mistress in the cloak.

As the lady glides through the grass,
The animals shalt stare,
For has't those gents seen anything so fair?

"Our mother, what bringeth thee hither?"
A wolf quivers.
"I am have come for what belongs to me,
That thy Queen has stolen from thee."

The lady walks to thy castle,
Careful of people,
To avoid a hassle.
She stareth up the window of thy princess,
And climbed the tree,
Not to impress.

"What is she doing?"
A citizen yells.
"I've no idea."
Then goeth the bells.

The alarms of the castle hath gone off,
And off tooketh the mistress in the cloak.
the lady runneth to faraway,
And maketh sure witnesses nev'r see the light of day.

She looked at the baby in her hands,
"Shh, little princess,
My May Maple"
She says as she layeth her head on the table.

"Fret not for this isn't where thy story ends,
This is where it begins."

Yeah so I had a wayyyyy different idea for the story,

But rapunzel it is XDDD

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