[UnOrdinary] holy crap another oneshot?!

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Arlo x Reader (?)
"I'm Y/N!" I nervously said to the boy sitting beside me in class, he was giving me a death glare. "E-Er..."
"Hey! Do you know who you're talking to?!" A student yelled from behind me. "That's Arlo! He's the King, don't mess with him!"
I gulped. "K-King, huh?"
He crossed his arms. "Yeah, what's it to you?"
I stuttered. "Uh, I was actually Jack at my old school, so y-yeah..."

He raised a brow. "Jack, eh?"
"And what exactly is your ability?" He asked.
"Uh, basically I can mind control a person by knowing their name and looks and stuff... have you seen Death Sign? It's basically like that except I don't write their names on a sign... oh and I'm the good guy, not the bad guy."
He looked at me like I was crazy.
"You have seen Death Sign... right..?" I squeaked.

He just ignored me, got up and walked out of the classroom. I pouted. "How rude."

After school as I was headed back to the dormitories, Arlo stopped me.
"Hey, Y/N." He said. "Want to go get a drink?"
"U-Uh... s-sure..?" I somehow agreed and we both headed to a café.

As the waitress came up to us I looked at the menu and procrastinated on what to get.
"Hello! May I get your order?" She waitress asked.
"I'll have a coffee."
"And for you, miss?"
I hesitated and looked through the menu, sweating profusely at the pressure.
"A coffee for her too."
"Okay, have a good day."

I looked up and saw an irritated 'Arlo' staring at me.
He sighed. "How the hell did a nervous wreck like you end up as a Jack?"
"I- I don't know either... somehow I did though."
"Okay. Tell me, what level are you exactly?"
I gulped. "I, er..."
"Just answer the damn question."
"Eep! 4.6! 4.6!"

He looked at me in astonishment. "4.6, and you somehow got Jack?"
I nodded.
"How on earth did that turn out, did your school not have any 5.0 or over?"
"N-no... I come from a town further away from here, most of the people there are around 2.0 to 3.5..."
"Hm, I see. Or, of course..." He glared at me. "You could've just mind controlled them to get your way."


I immediately jumped out of my seat and sprinted for the exit.
"Oh I don't think so." A barrier suddenly appeared around me, preventing me from escaping. I tried to use my ability to control him but couldn't behind the barrier.
"Don't even try." He said. "For as long as you're in this barrier, you can't do anything. I do have to say, you did make quite a convincing act."

He glared at me. "But it wasn't convincing enough for me. Let me tell you, infamous Y/N L/N. I've heard all about you. I've also heard how strong you are in hand to hand combat, so if you don't mind, I'd like to avoid confrontation.

Sweat rolled down my forehead when I saw his menacing smirk.

"Well, Miss L/N." He put his hands into his pockets and grinned. "I expect to see you climbing the ranks soon, perhaps you could even end up as Jack here too. Although, I don't think Blyke would agree to that."

The barrier around me disappeared.

Does he really expect me to not try to control him?

"Also." My focus was disrupted by his sudden speech. "Don't even try controlling me. I'm King, I won't let you dethrone me that easily."

He walked past me and towards the exit. "By the way, something tells me you never watched Death Sign all the way to the end. The 'good' guy as you say it, R, he ends up failing. And do you know who succeeds?" He smirked and continued walking. "The strongest. That's who."

I was left frozen.

What an asshole...

... Asslo.

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