[Horror] Nightmares

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  I wake up, panting and sweaty. 'Another nightmare...' Sighing, I get out of bed to get a glass of water. The wooden floorboards creak as I walk on them. I see myself in the mirror, my brown hair is messy and my pyjamas are drenched.
'Thank goodness there's no one home.' I think as I reach the kitchen and turn the lights on. I open a wooden cupboard to grab a cup, my favourite plastic yellow cup isn't there so I check the dishwasher. Not there.
  I groan with irritation. 'Where is that stupid cup?' I curse under my breath, looking inside every shelf and every cupboard. My parents gave me that cup before I left for college and I never used any other cup besides it.
  As I was about to check the last cupboard, the lights go out. 'What?' I growl, out-loud this time. 'Stupid house.'

  I grab a torch from a drawer and run down to the basement to check the power. When I get down I see it's still working. I raise my brow in confusion.
'Then why weren't the lights in the kitchen working?' I thought as I turned around to continue searching for my precious cup. But as I reach the stairs to go up, the door slams in my face, just missing my face by an inch.
'What the?' I push on the door to try and get it open, but it refused to budge. 'Stupid door!'

  I walk back to a shoe rack which was always kept in the basement, the bright blue shoe always contained the spare keys. I look for the shoe, but it's not there. I groan. Can this day get any worse?

  I walk back to try and open the door again but it's no longer there.

  I'm in a pitch black room now. I try to turn the torch on but it's no longer in my hands. I run, thinking that at some point I'll reach a wall or a door or anything, but I don't. I stop running and look around.

  Suddenly, I see a woman in a rocking chair, she's crying.
"Are you okay?" I ask the woman but she doesn't hear me. "Are you okay?" I repeat.
This time she hears me and stares at me, but her eyes are empty black holes. She's crying blood.

  I gasp and step back, suddenly I start falling and I scream, I scream so loud that people would hear me from miles away. The woman is falling after me, reaching her hand out at me.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream and I wake up, panting and sweaty. I take a deep breath and sigh. "Another nightmare..." I mutter as I get out for a glass of water.

  I walk out and see a woman, sitting in a rocking chair in my living room.

"Hello?" I call out. She turns towards me and screams.

  I fall off my bed.
I wake up, panting and sweaty.

'Another nightmare.'

Word Count: 500
A/N: So as said in my previous chapter, I might join a writing competition.

This is a story I might submit.

It's an oldie but a goodie XD

I'm not sure though... is it appropriate?

Is the punctuation right?

Is it too confusing?


I don't know ahahah

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