[Pokémon] oh shit another oneshot?

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Oh shit

Something's wrong...

Something's definitely wrong...

(This is a crossover between Pokémon and UnOrdinary)
I panted heavily as my opponent dropped to the ground. The vines which surrounded him sunk into the ground and disappeared as I disabled my ability, causing my eyes to stop glowing. The crowd roared and cheered.
"And the winner is Drew! Our reigning champion!" A student yelled.

This was our world, a world where everyone had different abilities. Once a month, students would compete in a fighting competition to see who would become the school leader. One male and one female were chosen, and I, Drew Hayden, was currently the leader who had been on the throne for the longest.

"This means that Drew will continue to be the-" He went quiet, which caused all the other students to turn quiet too. I looked up ahead of me to see the new transfer on the other end of the battlefield.

"I wish to battle Drew." He announced, causing whispers to travel throughout the atmosphere, causing it to become awkward.

The student became nervous. "And who are you?"

The boy looked up at me and smirked. "Paul Shinji, the new transfer from Sinnoh Private High, I also happen to be the former leader there."

I examined the boy. I had heard much of him from reading the newspaper, rumours say that he has the ability to create illusions. Compared to my ability of creation, we were not that different.


Name: Drew Hayden
Age: Currently Sophomore
Current Status: School Leader
Ability: Creation - he is able to create any mythical creature / organism and bring it to life. Although, he cannot just create any creature, first he must create a stable relationship between him and the creature, enough for the creature to trust him. If he tries to create a creature for the first time without trying to get to know it, it doesn't end well.

Name: Paul Shinji
Age: Currently Sophomore
Current Status: Student
Ability: Illusions - he is able to create any illusions he wishes. He can only make one illusion for one person at a time. The illusion can be anything he wants, good or bad, but overuse of his ability causes him to have hallucinations that go away in 5-10 minutes, in some rare cases sometimes they last forever.

[[ END ]]

This is all I wrote because I'm lazy asf

And it's 1am

And I'm tired

But I was left on a cliffhanger

So I can't stop now


I'm supposed to wake up early tomorrow ...


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