[LWA] Because im sad

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Holy shit it's a one shot

*le gasp*


Some Ankko

Because I'm sad


Andrew smiled as he watched Akko manage to fly on the broom for the first time. His father had finally found the admiration for witchery and magic, meaning he was now free to visit Luna Nova whenever he wished. Which also meant that he could finally return the hat that Akko kept forgetting to take back.

The witch saw Andrew by the distance and smiled, flying towards him. Only to accidentally crash into him due to her inexperience on a broom.
"Well, good day to you too." He groaned to the girl on top of him.
"O-oh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, clumsily get off of him. He got up and patted himself off.
"Well that was interesting." He muttered, realising the hat that was on the floor. He picked it up and handed over to her. "Oh, by the way, you keep forgetting this."
"O-oh!" She took it gratefully. "Thank you! I'm sorry you had to come all this way just to return my hat." She laughed.

Andrew looked away in embarrassment. "W-Well, actually, there was one more reason I came here."
She looked at him. "And what's that?"
He looked behind him to see the teachers giving him a thumbs up and he awkwardly looked back at Akko. "W-well, uhm. Miss Kagari, would you... perhaps, like to go out for dinner sometime?"
Akko turned as red as a tomato. "W-Wait, are you asking me on a date?"
"I suppose that would be the informal way of saying it..." He said awkwardly.

Akko looked back at her friends who were giving her a thumbs up and a smirk.
"U-uh, Uhm sure! I mean- I would love to go to dinner with you- Uh well I mean, yes?"
Andrew sighed. "Well... why not at my estate, tonight?"
Akko smiled. "I'd be glad to... Er, what about your father?"
"Oh, he won't be a problem..." Andrew stated. "And if you'd like... I could teach you to play the piano..?"
Akko nodded. "I'd be glad to!"
"Great, I'll see you tonight. Miss Kagari." Andrew said, bowing and walking off.
"To you to, Mister Hanbridge." Akko squeaked, watching him walk away.

Well, that went better than expected. Andrew thought to himself as he walked away. He looked back one more time to see Akko surrounded by her friends and teachers, looking embarrassed. He smiled to himself. Out of everyone I've met, I'm glad I bumped into you.

I'm still sad T_T

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