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Question: why do little kids make friends so easily?

So earlier I was at a Christmas party with some fam friends

And there was two families had never met be4

But one of them had a son and a daughter and the other one had a daughter

For the son and the daughter let's call them fam 1, and daughter 1 and son 1 for the other fam they'll be fam 2 and daughter 2

So I come into the living room and this is what I see:

- my closest fam friend pretending to bump this giant ball
- son 1 playing video games (probably roblox)
- daughter 1 annoying son 1
- And daughter 2 sitting in the corner with her dad's phone playing Tik tok memes at full volume.

So me and my bro come in, I sit in the corner and use my phone and my bro plays fortnite on the ps4

Anywayyy that was just to set the image.

Suddenly, daughter 1 comes up to me and we start talking

Btw she's 6 so I'm like talking to her the way I talk to little kids

And then she whispers to me: wanna be best friends?

And I'm like melting on the inside and say: sure

Then she goes over to daughter 2 and says: wanna be best friends with her?

And what does daughter 2 say?

Let me give you a second.


Okay I have no idea what she said but I'm pretty sure it was no.


So yeh

And we were playing this racing game and I lost horribly to son 1

But rekt my brother... until the end where he just crossed the finish line a second before me

And daughter 1 tried to play as well but she was like pressing the buttons to go left and right but she wasn't pressing the go button XD It was sad and funny cuz she wasn't sure why she was moving so I told her how to work it and she managed to move, until she removed her finger and her brother won the game

Anyway it's been a great Christmas

We went to the beach this morning and had a Christmas party in the evening

Now we're gonna watch a movie hahah

And I don't wanna spam so I'm gonna post another chapter tomorrow explaining about the sh*t that happened while we were at the beach

Peace out!

Luna Off

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