[Pokémon] May x Drew

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Story Prompt:

———May sat quietly on a park bench, staring up at the cloudy, grey sky above her

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May sat quietly on a park bench, staring up at the cloudy, grey sky above her. Where was she right now? England, 1942. She had a history project to do with World War 2 so she travelled to England to experience it first hand.
She walked around the city, everyone seemed to wear grey or black raincoats and held dark grey umbrellas in their hand. She groaned at her boring surroundings, she had imagined World War 2 to be all dramatic and bombs being thrown everywhere but everything seemed normal. Too normal.

"Ugh, how normal can things be during a war?!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.
"Uhm, pardon me, ma'am." She turned around to see a boy around her age. He had pale skin and bright green hair. His accent was as British as British could be. "You are a Time Tourist, are you not?"
"Uh, yes I am, actually."
"That's amazing! I've never actually been time travelling myself, so it's rather bizarre whenever I meet someone who has." He exclaimed. "What time are you from?"
"2018, actually."
"Amazing! That's over a hundred years from now!"


Our pleasant conversation was cut off by the sound of alarms.
"Huh, whats that?" I asked.
"Bomb alarms. Come along, we should get to a bunker." He said, grabbing my arm and taking me to a random house.
"Uh, is it okay to just go into someone else's bunker?"
"Is it not normal in your time?"
"No... not really."
"Well, it's alright here." He knocked on a door and an old man opened it. "Pardon us, sir, but do you happen to have a bunker?"
"Why of course I do!" The old man said. "Come along, we should get down as soon as we can."

We walked into the house. It was exactly how I'd seen it in the movies. The houses were all connected and they were tall, about two storeys each. Underneath they had a small room which we all crammed into. We sat in silence for a bit, waiting for any news.

Soon after, the ground began shaking.
I screamed. "What's that?"
"Why, a bomb of course. What else could it be?" The boy asked.
"N-nothing... I'm just not used to bombs."
"Oh, it's no problem. By the way, my name is Andrew Daniels Aberforth Hayden. Pleased to make your acquaintance!" He stuck out his hand for me to shake.
I shook it awkwardly. "Uh... I'm Maybelle Maple... but call me May. Do you have an easier name to remember? Maybe a nickname?"
"Hm, I'm usually referred to by the full name... so I'm not so sure."
"Okay... how about... Drew! From Andrew."
"Not bad, I like it." He smiled. "Call me Drew."

The bombs stopped falling and we all got out of the bunker. I opened the door to see a large amount of Time Tourists.
"Is it always this busy here?"
"Usually. But today there does seem to be quite a rather large amount of Time Tourists. Perhaps it's a holiday where they're from?"
"Anyway, May Maple. How long do you plan to stay here in England?"
"Hm... well my ticket says I have to come home some time tomorrow since I only came here for my history project and I have school the day after."
"Well then, how about I show you some of the interesting places around here? Perhaps I could also suffice your queries."
"Okay, let's go!"

He nodded and he started giving me a tour of the area whilst answering any questions I had. I wrote down everything I learnt in a notebook he bought for me. It was a Christmas notebook with a photo of a Christmas tree on the cover.

"Well, have you learnt all you need?"
"I think so..."
"Okay, well... would you like me to show you my favourite café in all of town?"

We walked over to a small corner shop which seemed to be a café. We walked inside and I looked at the orders.
"Huh..." I muttered,
"What is it?"
"All of your drinks seem to be new... like the pumpkin spice latte. I don't think this was around back then..."
"Well, you see this is a Time Tourist café. But they really do sell the best drinks. You of the 21st century are rather amazing. It must be a great life there."

We lined up to get some drinks.
"I guess so... but we do have some issues."
"Like what?"
"Well, do you know of the United States of America?" I asked.
"Of course."
"Well, that's where I'm from and, well, we basically have an orange as a president."
"Is that even possible?"

We reached the front of the line.
"So, what would you like?" Drew asked.
I looked at the menu. "Hm. Surprise me."
He grinned and whispered something to the waitress.

I took a seat at a table and soon he walked over with two drinks.
"What are they?"
"You'll see."
He placed down one drink in front of me and took a seat on the other side of the table. "Try it." He said.
I raised a brow and took a sip of what looked like coffee. But it tasted exactly like mint. "Woah." I gasped. "This is actually really good! What the heck!"
"They only ever sell it during Christmas time so you came at the perfect time." He smiled, taking a sip."

When we finished, we went out and talked some more whilst walking around. And before I knew it, it was time to go home.

"I really don't wanna go." I frowned.
He chuckled. "I'm observing that."
"Can't you come with me?"
He shrugged. "I don't have a ticket."

I frowned some more. "Well... goodbye then..."
"Goodbye." He smiled. I turned around and started walking towards the escalator to get onto the floating ship. I stepped on the step and began going up.
"May!" I turned around and saw Drew calling out to me. "I'll come visit you as soon I can!" He screamed.

I smiled widely. "YOU BETTER!"
He laughed and waved goodbye. I waved back.

Soon, his figure disappeared and I got onto the ship.
"2018, please." I said to the flight attendant, handing her my ticket.
"Okay, row C, seat 5 please."

I walked over to my seat and sighed. "Goodbye England..."


Max came running into my room. "May! May! It's Christmas!"
I opened my eyes and yawned.
"Get up! Get up! Presents!"
I laughed. "Coming."

He sprinted out my room to go wake our parents. I stretched and dressed up in a Christmas sweater.

I ran downstairs to see my parents and Max sitting around the Christmas tree.
"Go on, Max, open your present!" Mum exclaimed, handing Max his present.
Max ripped the wrapping paper apart to reveal a Nintendo Switch and the new Pokémon Let's Go Eevee game. "Amazing! I wanted this! How did Santa know?"
Mum winked. "Santa knows everything."
Dad looked at me. "Now May, what did you want again?"
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You know what I want."

To see him again.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I raised a brow and looked at my parents, wondering if they were gonna answer the door or not.
"You go answer it May, maybe it's Santa coming with your Christmas present."

I rolled my eyes and got up to open the door.

I opened the door and gasped, jumping down the porch and embracing the boy in a hug.

"Merry Christmas!" The boy laughed in his very British accent. "I told you I'd come visit soon, didn't I?"
A/N: oh. It's 12am.

(Also can we ignore the fact that I changed from 3rd person into 1st person in the span of one paragraph. I'm half asleep, okay? And I'm not used to writing in 3rd person XD I should do a oneshot to practice that too)

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