Another Tag

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Just as LapisLazulli2 said, it's pretty quiet on wattpad .-.

"It's a beautiful day outside.
The birds are singing.
The flowers are blooming.
On days like these,
Kids like you...

S h o u l d
B e
P l a y i n g
O u t s i d e
Y o u
A n t i s o c i a l
B r a t ."
+1 Cookie if you know where the original quote is from

"+1 Cookie if you know where the original quote is from

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Tagged by: LapisLazulli2

1. What genre of books do you like?
Ooh... anything magical and action. Basically my taste for everything is magical powers with action in it, hence the magic in my books XD

2. Have you completed a book yet?
Yes I have! 3 in fact! But they're all cringe because I wrote them when I first started writing on Wattpad, aha.

3. What is your current favourite finished book?
Does it have to be one of mine? If so, none of them XD I mean, Promises was good but I discontinued it so I'm not sure if that counts. And I'm not just saying none to trash myself, I mean it as in I and no experience in writing books back then, heck, I didn't even use quotation marks XD

If it was someone else's then I would choose... hmm. First Light by @gymnastgirlflips it's amazing, especially for ikari shippers :')

4. What 5 books are you excited to be finished?
Well, if it's mine I only have 4 books being written at the moment XD So I'm gonna include prompts for books I'm planning to write in the future.
1) April (May x Drew) - honestly, y'all don't know what I have in store ;)
2) My Fantasy Academia (BNHA) - I have the plans for all the chapters written down, it's just getting it written as a chapter that I need to find time for, hehe
3) Giving Pokémon Characters iMessages - just saying, not your typical ITPCHFB inspired book :)
4) Our Love (Levi x Reader) - oof I have about 20 chapters of it written already but they're all unedited haha
5) Radio Waves (Shinso x Reader) - I have a sneak peak in my last tag so yeah ;)

And if it was 5 other people's? Honestly, there's too many! I would have a list of 500 hahahah. So, basically, I'm excited for any book to be finished. (I'm not really a fan of the really popular ones made by famous people though, except Wendy, Wendy makes the best books XD)

5. Smut, yes or no?
Umm... I'm in the middle. I mean, it makes me feel extremely awkward and it ruined my innocence but... I don't hate it either... that's how I learnt about the reproductive system because F*CK SCHOOL. But... yeh...

6. Stories on hold?
Well, Promises is discontinued and I dont plan on picking it back up. Now... none of my stories are on hold. It's more of I need to update them which I seriously don't have the time for it's annoying af. So you see, I basically have OCD when it comes to something.

When I start something, I will become so obsessed with it that it becomes my life. And I mean it, IT BECOMES MY LIFE. and that's what happened when I started watching Pokémon and started writing April. I was so obsessed I couldn't wait to get home and continue writing it. Then, I started watching BNHA and I became so obsessed with that I started writing MFA which i was super obsessed with writing. But then, I started watching AOT and got so obsessed with it that I wrote a Levi x Reader. But now I'm obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist and I'm super tempted to write a Mustang x Reader!

Do you see my problem?!?!

Not to mention I have horrible eyesight so I have to limit my time on devices! (By that I mean I spend more time than less time XD)

Ugh, there's legit something wrong with me.

7. Nickname by community?
Ahah, Luna XD

*big surprise* Luna isn't my real name XD But I swear I'm called that everywhere online and I spend half life online so I feel like that's my real name.

You know what's funny? My friends in real life will never understand what it's like having alter egos when you're online and when you're in reality. Like, I act like a completely different person online than irl so if they met me as 'Luna' they would probably not recognise me hah.

And for some reason (I don't know if it's happening where you are) but having internet friends is such a big deal now? I mean, back when I was 10 I see to play minecraft a lot and I made some friends and we turned into this gang that always played on the exact same server at the exact same time despite our time differences. (Although most of us were Aussie.)
And I felt embarrassed saying I had internet friends. Now, everyone brags to me about how they "got 2 more internet friends! We have 3 now!" And I'm like: "hah... hah... [i have more internet friends than irl friends....]

Sorry but I'm just so confuzzled On Why ibf's are a trend. Cuz, if it was a challenge, bish I'd probably come top 10.

So if you see an antisocial (like me) don't judge them for not having any irl friends, because trust me, if they're online they're a completely different person and they probably have even more ibfs than you have irl friends.

8. One Shots, yes or no?
Yes! I love oneshots! (Hence the oneshot book)

9. Top 5 OTP's.
Sooo in total? Or from each anime? Okay, so I'll do Pokémon separately but do other anime's together.

1) Contestshipping - can you tell? It's just so cute and so canon
2) Ikarishipping - another cute one. They don't really have many hints but I just love the idea of them being together.
3) Leafgreenshipping - yo, I don't know why but I ship Gary/Blue/Green with Green/Blue so so much. It's probably from the manga? But I honestly don't know. It's probably cuz I love Blue (boy) so much.
4) moon x Gladion - I love Gladion, I love moon, I love everything about them.
5) Pokeshipping - I actually dont ship it that much. Yeah, I love this ship but I'm not that hyped about it. I much prefer it to amour though.

Other anime!!
1) Royai - Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) they're practically canon, okay? It's so so sos so so cute! It's basically the contestshipping of FMA >D<
2) Levihan - Levi x Hanji (Attack On Titan) I don't really ship much in AOT but I just love Levi and Hanji together. They are basically goals.
3) Rivetra - Levi x Petra (Attack On Titan) I don't get why everyone hates Petra! She's such a sweetheart and I love her so much! And I love her with Levi too hehe.
4) Todomomo - Todoroki x Yaomomo (My Hero Academia) I only recently started shipping this because of the latest manga chapters. Todoroki is just so supportive of Yaomomo it's adorable, and when they were doing the exams together, ahhhh I just love it
5) Bakushima / Kiribaku - Bakugo x Kirishima (My Hero Academia) do I even have to explain? JUST. WATCH. THE. MOVIE. ( I HAVENT SEEN IT YET LOL XD)

10. Tag 5 Closest Friends
Oof, if you were already tagged you don't have to do it again :)


Not picking favourites, I just scrolled through and chose 5 (that I actually talk to right now)

Ah, I miss my Aphmau fandom friends. But we stopped talking long ago XD

Well, that's the tag.

Gotta go watch the FMA ovas hahha


Luna Off

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