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"Fuck you, bit-"


His loud yelling turned to loud mumbling in a second. His enraged eyes met mine for a split moment, his hand curling over my hip to jerk me forward to growl lowly by my ear.

"Spew the shit all you want. But you'll never be his first, I already hold that title when I fucked his tight ass."

I hadn't been prepared to hear a response like that by the red eyed, my lips parting as I screamed, spit flying all over his face while I doubled over with laughter.

"I-I fucking can't," I wheezed, clutching onto Kirishima beside me. "Fucking fuck fucker," I smacked his thigh with my fits of laughter.

It was clear that he had spoken in a tone where no one would have been able to hear besides the both of us.

So that's how he wants to play.


"You know, this party is lit," Kaminari smiled as hours had passed by and we were all seated together again to catch our breaths from fooling around.

"The lighting is quite decent, but brighter lights would have worked more over the neon-"

"Hey, glasses boy," I cut him off and he sighed. "Did you talk to gravity girl?"

"I-you-uh- do not bring up such personal matters so freel-"

"Come on, I've seen the way she looks at you when you're dancing like an idiot," I smiled.

"I-I need a water!"

He excused himself while Kirishima and I laughed at his flustered state.

"How long until this shit is over?"

"Shut up with your whining, Suki," I rolled my eyes as he had his feet up on the table.

"Oh, what'd you fucking say, cunt?"

"I said Zuku is back from the bathroom," I snorted when he immediately turned around to see the green head walking back with the half and half boy.

"Hey, peppermint looking ass, keep your distance from him," Katsuki stood to march over towards them.

"I only went to the bathroom with him since each classmate has to stay with another for the entire event."

He spoke calmly, staying silent against Katsuki's sparking blasts from his palms.

Shoto Todoroki, the last son of Enji.

"I'm just trying to do my bestpacito here."

Kaminari's voice cut me out of my staring, my attention turning towards the rose and dandelion as they bickered.

"Which state is the loudest?"

Both heads turned towards me and I stared at them.


"I expected better from you," Kirishima sighed at me.

"Well that was your fault, I got nothing to do with that."

"It's funny because the last part in Illinois is silent," the red head pointed out.

"Silence is the loudest scream," I shot back.

"That was deep," Kaminari spoke up.

We stayed silent for a moment, Izuku calling out to us as he came over.

"I like your top," Kirishima spoke to Izuku when he sat down.

"I have a name," Katsuki spat, silence falling after his words.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now