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I heard a groan beside me on the ground, my head snapping up and I pushed myself up, my palms starting to smoke.

"Would you calm down? It's just me."

"What the fuck! Maybe you shouldn't scare me like that," I yelled, seeing Shoto shut his eyes with a sigh while I relaxed with a breath.

"You're more tense than before, I know it's because of your mother, but we've got to keep our part held together here too," he pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right, I can't let my emotions get the best of me," I laughed lightly, my hand rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hey, we're going to make it out of this alive, I can promise you that."

I felt my tight throat ease for a moment with his words and I held my hand out.

"Give me your pinky then."

"I can't just take my finger off for you."

I didn't say anything, my hand reaching out to hold onto his and I looped our smallest fingers together.

"We have to, right? I mean, I still have to meet your mother," I felt my ribs cutting my lungs with how tight my chest was.

"Exactly, plus we still have to use the condo-"

"We could be dying and those would be your last words?"

"We won't be dying," he shut down the option altogether. "We have each other to live for."

And in that moment, I felt like I knew what he was saying while being entirely confused at the same time. It was a confusion of where I understood what he meant.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"Let's stay together, we can't lose each other or get separated," he said and I nodded in response.

"The villains have got to have a motive for this, a real reason to attack like this," I spoke to him while we ran forward to scout out the enemies.

"They planned it out perfectly, knowing our class would be here and with All Might too, I heard them saying they wanted this to be the place where he'd take his last breaths," he pointed out.

"They still couldn't tell if he'd be here or not so they were upset since he's not here now," I added on and he nodded.

"They cut off all communication signals and cornered our class here to silence us at once. Does that mean they're attacking the main campus too?"

"It's a possibility, but their main goal seems to be All Might."

"To your right," he shot a flame over my shoulder, knocking down the enemy that was there.

"Finally, some face to face," I grunted, standing next to Shoto as we saw the group of guys before us.

I glanced at Shoto and he gave a nod, his right foot stepping forward when they rushed forward to attack. As the ice spread and froze them in their place, Shoto stepped behind me and I took his place, my foot going over his ice and I let the electric spark flow through me, my tongue running over my teeth after being pushed to me cheek. Electricity zapped all throughout the ice, shocking each of them in their frozen states, knocking nearly all of them out.

"You're all weak," I noted.

"You're no professionals either," a guy shot back and I scoffed, Shoto stepping out from behind me.

"Your group was beaten by only two people, who are nearly half of your age if I do add on," Shoto stepped towards him, raising a brow. "I'm unimpressed. To think that any of you may hold actual threats. The rest of our class will be at ease with handling you all, you're only thugs and low profile criminals."

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now