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A silence fell over the class after Shoto's words and I could feel each beat of my heart thrumming in my head. My tongue pressed to my cheek, running over my teeth slowly as I stared at him.

"So much for calling me a fucking mosquito," Katsuki laughed.

"Hey, Kacchan!" Izuku rushed to his side, his eyes shining. "I learned a poem that I want to say to you."

"What the fu-"

"Roses are red, pickles are green, I love your legs, and what's in between!"

Katsuki's eyes snapped to me and I smiled.

"You're hanging out with that sparkling water cunt too much, fucking nerd," he grumbled.

"But bro-"

"I had your fucking tongue in my mouth five minutes ago, don't you fucking dare start calling me bro!" Katsuki cut Izuku off. "Stop letting these other shit extras rub off on you so much!"

"It's better than him being with just you," I shot back at him.

"No it sure fucking isn't, you guys wanna talk poems?" Katsuki grumbled, standing up. "Roses are lame, violets are too, I'm going to kill you," he grunted, his voice lowering to a breath as he gazed at Izuku. "And I love you."

"What was that, Kacchan?" Izuku smiled, not having heard his last words.

"I said fuck off, nerd!"

"Did Aizawa die?" I said, breaking the conversation off as I hurried to my seat before Shoto could say something again.

"I do not die," Aizawa made his entrance into the classroom, slamming the door open before sliding it shut. "I ascend."

"There he is," I breathed out in relief, thankful Shoto wouldn't be able to say anything again that would startle me.

"And I am not proud of what I'm about to say, but someone give me a cigarette," Aizawa sighed.

"But, Mr. Aizawa, we don't smoke," Kirishima answered.

"Spare me that shit, Kirishima. I'm a teacher, I know that one in every five students smokes, and there's more than five here."

He made his point and we kept our mouths shut.

"Now, I am going to close my eyes and when I open them, there better be a cigarette between these two fingers," he shut his eyes, holding up his fingers.

He was immediately handed a cigarette by Izuku, shocking all of us in the class.

"Light," Aizawa ordered.

I quickly lit a small flame at the tip of my finger, lighting the cigarette as Aizawa opened his eyes.

"What the hell, Midoriya?" Kaminari spoke with shock.

"I found it in Kayama's bag," he answered, the eyes now turning back to me.

"I don't know why I'm surprised," he sighed.

"Along with condoms," Izuku added on.

Well, fuck.

"Well, now I am," Kirishima butt in.

"You're that prepared for college, huh?" Shoto's lips perked into a slight smirk as he eyed me.

"Fuck off," I defended myself. "It was my bitchass mom's doing."

"Well then, now that we have started," Aizawa blew out a breath. "Morning, morons."

"Why do you keep calling us morons?" Kaminari piped.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now