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"Watching you all get steamy and sweaty turns me on!" My mother cheered. "Congratulations to the first two pairs, you both did delightfully! You four are dismissed, you can head back to your rooms for the night! Next up, Kirishima and Kami-"

My attention was cut short when I was lifted into the air, my legs wrapping around his waist. I curled my hands into the back of his hair, grinning at him breathlessly.

"I'm going to devour your lips," he said huskily.

His hands went under my ass to hold me up, walking down the hall back to his room and I rested my head over his shoulder. I pulled a small smile when I saw his neck, the bite marks and hickeys staining his soft skin and I ran my finger over them fondly.

"Your thighs are going to have marks from my fingers when I'm done with you. My fingertips imprinted into your hips," he bit the top of my ear, sliding his tongue over the tip and I pulled back to gaze at him.

"Someone's horny," I teased when he opened the door and slammed it shut.

"Says the one who was dancing all over me like that, so provocatively on top of my dick."

"I love when you talk dirty to me," I replied, seeing him narrow his eyes as he shoved me against the wall.

The moonlight from the window kept the room lowly lit, his hair fallen over his eyes casting shadows over his features. His heavy pants hit my lips, my lips turning hotter and wet from his puffs of steamy breaths.

"I really do my best to keep vulgarity to a minimal when I'm with you," he hissed out through gritted teeth, as though he was still holding himself back.

"Your boner says otherwise."

I was pushed harshly onto the bed, my back arching when his body leaned over mine. Our shirts were both slightly undone from our previous actions. His chest was rising and falling, and I stared at him.

"I think I'm-"

I paused my words, my hand reaching out to hold his cheek and I caressed his face.

He's really here, right with me in all of his glory.

"You think you're wha-"

I pulled him close, wrapping my arms around him to hug him suddenly. He had done so much for me and I was so grateful for it that I couldn't explain. His support kept me together when I felt like I was losing myself. We had our fair share of disagreements, but we'd compromise over them and come to a conclusion together. Even when we couldn't find who we were, we were right by each other's sides.

Izuku said he was surprised when I told him that Shoto could talk all night long when we were together, telling me that he thought of Shoto as more of a silent type when it came to communicating with people. In a way, he's right, Shoto never needed to say that he was always beside me or point out the obvious, the simple way he'd hold my hand reassured me more than anything else ever could. The warmth from the first time we held hands when we faced each other off was now from so long ago.

"Kiss me, Shoto."

I saw him stare back at me for a moment before leaning down, his lips brushing over mine while my heart thrummed under my chest loudly. My lips grazed his, my hands clutching his back when his lips finally met mine. Our lips melted together in a hot kiss, his hands framing the sides of my face to kiss me harder, roughly tugging on my tongue with his teeth. He let out a groan when I sucked on his tongue, biting my bottom lip after, tugging at my lips with his teeth.

His body fit over mine while we both laid in bed together, our tongues clashing together in a desperate reach to touch each other. His skin slid over mine, our body sweat making our temperatures rise further. My lips parted further for his mouth to move over mine. The kiss got deeper, harsh and rough movements of our lips keeping us breathless. His hands moved to tangle into my hair, tugging when I let out a moan of his name.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now