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"Hey mom, I'm back again," I set my bag down, taking my usual seat by the bed. "Class was let out a little earlier today so that's why I'm not as late," I smiled slightly. "There's a lot of buzz of the dome incident going around which is no surprise since it's been nearly a week since the occurrence."

I pulled my notebook out from my bag, looking over the notes from class while I continued to jot some more down.

"The Sports Festival is coming up too, I think it actually might be tomorrow," I laughed, scratching my cheek as I sat up. "They decided not to hesitate with their plans and keep things going. Zuku wouldn't stop apologizing when I went back to class the first day, it was cute how he cried even when it wasn't his fault, he got his ass blasted by Suki later though."

I slid my pen and notebook back into my bag, making sure to put my other journal away too.

"Everyone's been working really hard and Aizawa's even back teaching and training us along with All Might," I sighed. "These last few days have been intense and I even helped Kaminari to try and focus his quirk. Like kind of shoot it out with some aim since he just buzzes electricity throughout his body and it'll go everywhere if he tries to shoot it out," I explained, glancing at the clock as visiting hours would almost be over.

I looked back at my mother, her skin still cold despite her heart beating. The mask over her mouth was the only way she was breathing, her eyes shut as the sheet stayed still over her body.

"It's going to be a week tomorrow," I whispered, holding her hand between both of my own warm ones.

A knock on the door broke my thoughts and I turned to stare at the nurse who told me my time was up. I'd have to leave so that they could give her the daily dose of fluids for her body so she wouldn't slip entirely out of the weakened state she was already in. I nodded, bowing slightly in appreciation and I pulled a small smile as I left, waving at her unconscious form.


"Hey mom, guess who's back, it's me," I cheered, walking in as I shut the door silently behind me, taking a long look at her.

It's been three weeks now and there was still no sign of anything from her.

"I'm sorry I'm so late today, it's nearly night already," I sighed out, placing my things over the table. "I had to beg the nurses to let me see you since I wasn't able to make it for visitor's hours. They were really persistent despite wanting to let me see you, I shouldn't be so stubborn, they could have lost their jobs if they didn't follow the rules. Luckily, the doctor was still here and said it was okay as long as it didn't become a routine, so I'm really grateful for that," I grinned, relaxing while I sat down beside her bed.

I miss you so much.

"There's a lot of confusion going on currently for me so I've been a mess most of the time," I breathed out, laughing lightly along with my words. "I told you we had the Sports Festival a few weeks ago, right? Well, it didn't really go that well. I mean it did, I got third place while Suki won first just like he said. I'm sure you're wondering who had second place then, huh? It was Shoto," I sighed loudly, my chest feeling tight and my shoulders heavy. "We began arguing just before the Sports Festival, it ended up becoming bigger as time went on so now we're not really speaking to each other that well."

I stared down at my hands, putting all of my will forward to not start crying as I continued to speak.

"He told me Enji was going to be there so he fell back into the frenzy of not using his father's quirk. He wouldn't listen to anything I'd say, saying that he'd win with only his mother's quirk. It was like he didn't even acknowledge that having both quirks made them his quirk, not just his father's or mother's. Our altercation began from there, only getting worse. The sight of Enji threw me off and I was kind of out of it for the first half, so I'm still surprised with how I made it. But then again, with a quirk as powerful as mine, it's not really a wonder, huh? After all, it's because of the strength of my quirk that Enji wanted me in the first place, so there's that."

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now