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"Guess who fucking lived, bitch!"

Some sort of fur ran over my face and I stirred in my sleep, turning over to swat it away. My heart stopped in its beat and I froze.

"I'm dreaming," I convinced myself with a bitter laugh. "Of course I'm dreaming," I sat up, the covers falling over me and I felt Shoto shift on the bed.

"I sure hope not, it'd be quite awkward for you to have dreams of me, I usually hear that from fans."

I'm just letting it all go to my head. I felt tears well in my eyes, my chest going tight and I felt them start to fall over my face again. If I look again, she'll be gone. It's just me imagining it because I'm so desperate for her.

"Y/N, what the fuck," I felt my shoulders being shaken, a sob breaking from my lips. "Why are you crying, your mother is standing right there," he screamed.

"I'm thinking she's there again, she's not. It's happened before too, she'll go away in a few moments."

"Quite rude, I'm not going anywhere."

"If you're dreaming, why can I see her then?"

Shoto's words seemed to snap something in me and I slowly turned my head, my breath hitching in my throat and a loud sob choked my breath.

"Why is Todoroki naked?"

"I have pants on, don't worry."

"I'm seeing things, this is all jus-"

"I'm here, my daughter."

She bent down to wrap her arms around me, the once cold form I had felt for a month now warmer and I found my throat going tight, my arms clinging to her.

I was holding her, she was holding me.

"Mama," I screamed out, unable to breathe while tears flooded from my eyes.

"My baby girl," she cooed, cuddling me closer into her while I continued to cry.

"Mom, mom, mom," I repeated between sobs, tightly gripping onto her for her not to go anywhere.

"Ah, so I see this is where your shirts go."

"She likes to wear them and I sleep shirtless sometimes," he answered.

They seemed to have a casual conversation together as though I wasn't crying like I was about to pass out in her arms. That was until I actually did end up passing out.


"How amusing would it have been if you died after I woke up, what a bummer that'd be."

"Mom?" I knew I'd recognize the voice anywhere and I blinked. "You're real."

"Damn right I am, from my tits to my ass."

I held out my arms for her to hug me again and she laughed before embracing me.

"You've been getting so emotional lately," she teased. "Is that Todoroki boy making you so soft?"

"Fuck you, mom," I sniffled. "You're a real bitch to make me hurt so much while you laid there."

"But I'm here now."

"After a fucking month," I scoffed, tightening my arms around her.

"So much must have happened, especially you getting third place in the Sports Festival, hm?"

My eyes went wide and I nodded, smiling brightly through my tears.

No more crying. There's no reason for it anymore. Not when she was with me again.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now