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"What the fuck do you want now?" I groaned, fumbling around for the switch to turn the lights on for our room.

"You heard me, piece of shit. Take your clothes off," he crossed his arms as he stood before me.

My dumbass had no clue what shit he was spewing on about at the moment.


"I'm not gonna fucking wait! Either you take them off or I'll rip them off!"

"Yo, it's like what two in the morning or some shit, can we do this in the morning? I can't even hear half of your words, like I'm so out of it, bro," I was about ready to fall asleep standing where I was at this point.

"I'll blast your clothes off of your bod-"

"Chill, dude. I got it," I yawned, bending to tug my pants down.

"Not your pants, you fucker!" He blasted my feet, causing me to jump.

"What the fuck, dude," I stumbled about, my pants half on, half off.

"Your shirt, bitch. Just your fucking shirt," he heaved with what seemed like anger.

Not like I could see shit, my ass was tired as hell. Also why I wasn't in my senses, his words going over my head entirely.

"Damn, didn't know you were suddenly into my pussy," I grumbled, trying to pull my shirt off in one swift movement.

Instead, I got stuck, forgetting I had my uniform button down on. I thought I had changed my clothes into sweatpants and a shirt, but guess my fuckass was so out of it, I only changed my uniform skirt and assumed my shirt magically changed itself.

"Quit it, dumbass, you'll break all the fucking buttons," he yanked the shirt back down, pointing at the buttons. "Undo them, or I'll fucking blast your ass through the window."

I yawned, my eyes half shut as I complied without arguing, no energy to do so. Undoing the buttons, I slid the shirt off of my shoulders, letting it fall onto the floor while I stood before Katsuki in a bra.

"Yo, you good now, bro?" I yawned, my eyes watering with tiredness.


"Kacchan, I-"

Both of our heads turned towards Izuku who had just stepped into our room. He froze where he was, his eyes wide and features not moving while he stared at the sight of the both of us. My shirt was on the floor, Katsuki standing in front of me like a fucking dumbass for who knows what reason.

"Zuku, how you doing, my dude?" I lazily waved at him and he turned around to bolt out of the room, getting stopped by Katsuki at last second.

"Calm your tight ass," he grumbled, shutting the door and locking it before pulling Izuku further into our room. "I was just checking something."

"Wi-with h-h-her shirt o-off?"

"Yeah, anything wrong with that?"

"Oh, of course not, Kacchan, nothing wrong with having your roommate half naked just to check something."

"What the fuck is with that tone? Don't hang about that sparkling cunt so much that she rubs her shit off on you."

"I'm right here, Suki," I turned around to stare at him. "And now I'm off to slee-"

"Woa-woah, Kayama, that scar, is that a burn mark?"


It seemed to sort of settle in to me that my scar was now entirely exposed to the two of them before I blinked.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now