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"I'm so happy we all get to go to the summer training camp, it's going to be such an exciting experience," gravity girl cheered.

"Yeah, I'm glad since it's finally over," acid girl leaned back in her seat.

"Hey, why're you feeling down again?" I went over to where creation girl sat by herself.

She seemed to glance over at Shoto who was taking notes before shaking her head.

"Nothing, I-I'm fine, really."

So she's back on this bullshit again?

"Don't fucking give me this. You were like this before too but warmed up to us with time, what's wrong now?" I slammed my hand down, startling her.

"It's nothing! I-I'd tell you if it were."

I rolled my eyes, letting out a grunt.

"We've come far as friends and all of us as classmates, don't just shy off again."

She looked down, nodding slightly.

"You've been pretty off since exams three days ago, what's with that?" I pushed further, not moving. "We only had written exams this time which was a relief to us all, though it must not be a bother for the one who placed first. So what's the problem?"

"There is no problem, really."

"Whatever, sort shit out," I shrugged. "You can talk to me about it if you're willing to," I stepped away, bumping into someone's shoulder.

I blinked, a flower being placed in my hair.

"What the hell is this? Does my hair smell bad? That's why you need to put a flower in it?" I tried to swat it out, his hand stopping me.

"I saw mom wearing some before and asked her why and she told me they made a person more beautiful," he tilted his head, gazing at me.

"Shoto, what the fuck," I grumbled at him, not bothering the flower that he had slid in my hair.

I felt eyes on us, glancing over to see creation girl staring at Shoto before her eyes went to me and she snapped her stare away.

Had they both fought over something? Did Shoto say something to her an upset her? I swear to fuck, I'll blast his ass.

"Hey," I grabbed Shoto by his collar to jerk him forward.

"Hey, no violence," Kaminari stepped in, yanking me away while I kicked my legs in the air.

"Let's have a fun pillow fight!" Kirishima suggested, the class going off in uproar at the idea.

"Fun is the last thing it'll be with our class," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll beat all your asses!"

"What'd I say?"

"Wanna say that to my face, you sparkling cunt?"

"I just did, light bulb boy."


"Look, I don't know where you learned how to play a pillow fight, but it doesn't involve putting bricks in the pillow case," I blinked at Katsuki who blinked back.

"What the fuck do you mean? Isn't that how you win?"

"That's how you kill someone."

"Isn't that the point?"

"Suki, I'm-"

I sighed, shaking my head before handing him a regular pillow.

"Try not to blow this one to bits."

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now